Jefferson Presidency Timeline

By Juana22
  • 1. The Election of 1800

    1. The Election of 1800
    The candidate were Thomas Jefferson for President and Aaron Burr for Republicans. For the Federalists, they supported President Adams and Charles Pinckney. Then there was a tie between Jefferson and Burr, finally someone gave up and voted for Jefferson. At the end Jefferson became President and Burr became Vice president
  • 2. Jefferson Inauguration

    2. Jefferson Inauguration
    Thomas Jefferson approached his first inauguration as the third president of the United States. One of his task was that he had to heal the divided nation along with many problems in the future
  • 4. War with Tripoli

    4. War with Tripoli
    Tripolitan War conflict between the United States and Tripoli started by when American refuse to continue paying the tribute to the piratical rulers of the North African Barbary States. Soon the war ended after the signing peace treaty
  • 3. The Judiciary Act

    3. The Judiciary Act
    Adams passed the Judiciary act so he can make hundreds of appointment so that Federalists can keep and control the government, but since Madison didn't deliver them yet, Jefferson told him not to
  • 5. Judicial Review is establish

    5. Judicial Review is establish
    After the case Marbury v. Madison, the decision was establishing the power "judicial review," which is the Supreme Court's power to evaluate laws and declare them unconstitutional. If the Court finds a law unconstitutional, it is nullified.
  • 6. The Louisiana Purchase

    6. The Louisiana Purchase
    its a treaty signed with France in 1803 which allows the United States to buy the Louisiana region for $15,000,000. Since King Napoleon need Funds for the war with Britain he decide to give up the Louisiana region
  • 8. Luis and Clark Expedition

    8. Luis and Clark Expedition
    The Luis and Clark Expedition was Meriwether Lewis and William Clark were chosen by Jefferson initiated an exploration of the newly purchased land and the territory beyond the great rock mountains in the West. The journey ended after the route lead them to the pacific ocean.
  • 7. Jefferson wins Relection

    7. Jefferson wins Relection
    Democratic-Republican, President, Thomas Jefferson against Federalist Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, a hero of the American Revolutionary War and former Ambassador to France. Jefferson easily defeated Pinckney and was reelected as president
  • 9. Saint Domingue and France

    9. Saint Domingue and France
    King Napoleon Of France dreamed and wanted to grow his empire in the Western Region, but on the way his army received many defeats from Toussaint L' Ouverture and the rest of his army Napoleon lost interest
  • 10. Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr Duel

    10. Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr Duel
    Alexander Hamilton accused Aaron burr for treason and trying to lead New York out of the union. Then Burr accused Hamilton for trying to get him in trouble and challenge into a duel. Hamilton didn't want to shoot Burr, but Burr didn't care and shot Hamilton. Alexander Hamilton died the next day. Rip
  • 11. Pike's Expediton

    11. Pike's Expediton
    The Pike Expedition was a military party sent out by President Thomas Jefferson to explore the south and west of the recent Louisiana Purchase. The group was led by United States Army Zebulon Pike.
  • 12. Britain and American Ships

    12. Britain and American Ships
    Jefferson wanted America to stay neutral in the war between France and Britain so he decide to send gear and weapons to both sides, but since Britain need sailors they stole the American ships and sailors and used them and forced them to join their naval army
  • 13. Jefferson Pass the Embargo Act

    13. Jefferson Pass the Embargo Act
    The Embargo Act of 1807 was an attempt by President Thomas Jefferson and the U.S. Congress to punish Britain and France for interfering and messing with American trade while the two major European powers were at war with each other.
  • 15. Jefferson Retire from Presidency

    15. Jefferson Retire from Presidency
    After Jefferson 2nd term, Jefferson decided to follow what George Washington did and decide to not run for a third term and retire from being president and return home.
  • 14. The Embargo Act Repealed

    14. The Embargo Act Repealed
    The Embargo act was suppose to punish Britain and France but instead hit the United States as well. The act made the ship go back to the harbor and because of this many people lost many jobs. The act was very unsuccessful.