
Jeff Reindersma, Quinn Discerni, Ana Pellot P.3

  • Commitee created by Truman

    President Truman creates commitee for the civil rights, which insists the de-segregation of armed forces.
  • Miliary segregation ends

    Miliary segregation ends
    Truman ends segregation in the military
  • Sweatt vs. Painter

    Sweatt vs. Painter
    The supreme court ruled that the unversity of Texas didn't provide African Americans with access to equal academic pristiege, facilities, or instrunctors.
  • Brown vs. Board of Ed

    Brown vs. Board of Ed
    The supreme court ruled for the Browm case that segregation in public scholls was illegal
  • First of the Southern School De-Segregation

    First three schools in the entire south begin to de-segregate
  • De-Segregation is enforced

    Supreme court rules that the public schools are required to de-segregate.
  • Rosa park refuses to give up bus seat

    Rosa park refuses to give up bus seat
    Rosa Parks refuses to give up her bus seat to another white man creating the Montgomery bus boycott
  • Montgomery bus system is overruled

    The supreme court rules that Montgomery segregated bus system is illegal
  • School board De-Segregates highschool

    School board De-Segregates highschool
    School board selects 9 african american students to attend central highschool
  • High School enforced de-segregation

    High School enforced de-segregation
    Eisenhower sends forces to enforce de-segregation at central high school
  • Ernest Green Graduation

    Ernest Green Graduation
    Ernest Green became the first african american studen to graduate from central highschool.
  • Public Schools close for segregation

    Gov. Faubus of Little Rock, AK closes public schools to fight segregation
  • Public Schools re-open without segregation

    Schools in Little Rock, AK re-open and begin segregating