Jeannette Rankin was born
Jeanette Rankin was born -
Jeannettte was the eldest child of the family, so she assisted her parents in daily chores and outdoor walks. -
She was the daughter of the rancher and a schoolteacher in Whitehall, Montana. -
Why she is famous
Was the first women elected to the United States Congress from the state of Montana -
Why she is famous
While living in Washington State, she became active in the drive to amend that state's constitution to give women the right ot vote. -
Why she is famous
She made a return to politics by running for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives.She won the election based off of antiwar position. -
Why she is famous
She was a pacifist stance and she voted against entering the war during Pearl Harbor. -
Why she is significant today
She is remembered fore tireless efforts on behalf of women's sufferage. -
Jeanette Rankin died