
Jean Carlo Ararat Velez timeline

  • My birthday

    My birthday
    I was born in the city of Santiago de Cali.
  • I started study elementary school.

    I started study elementary school.
    I started elementary school when I was five years old.
  • I started High School

    I started High School
    I started to study High School at the age of twelve in the school Donald Rodrigo Tafur
  • I accepted Christ into his heart.

    I accepted Christ into his heart.
    It was the best moment of my life.
  • The first time I played piano

    The first time I played piano
    It was a special day, I have a special connection to music.
  • I preached for the first time.

    I preached for the first time.
    It was in a church meeting, I was nervous but God helped me
  • I met the sea.

    I met the sea.
    I had seen on TV, but in Cartagena I was able to meet and it was a nice day.
  • I met the young woman I like.

    I met the young woman I like.
    It was at a convention in the city of Cartagena, it was something rare but very special.