The US v. Microsoft Trial
In a trial that lasted three years, Microsoft was accused of using the power they had to stifle the success of other companies, so that they would face little to no competition. The final ruling stated that Microsoft was no longer able to use these "anti-competitive practices" as they moved along. Due to this trial Microsoft has created new products to bring in revenue, and other companies have been able to gain some success. (http://latimesblogs.latimes.com) -
The Anthrax Attack Begin
American Scientist Bruce E. Ivins laced letters with anthrax bacteria and sent them to the U.S Senate and major media companies. The FBI spent seven years working at this case to prove that Ivins had done this. As a result of these attacks the government spent billions of dollar to protect the country from further biological attacks such as this. (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/02/19/AR2010021902369.html?sid=ST2010021904257) -
Congress grants the President Permission to use military force if neccessary
As a result of the terrorist attacks of 9/11, the congress passed a bill that enabled the president to use military force on any group, nation, or country that he/she believes took part in planning, or executing the 9/11 attacks. The actions that the president took once this act was passed lead into the US engaging in war with Iraq. (https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/PLAW-107publ40/html/PLAW-107publ40.htm) -
The war in Iraq began
The war began when false rumors spread saying that Iraq had been creating weapons of mass destruction, following the 9/11 attacks. The United States along with other countries in the UN decided that they should simply inspect the area for evidence. But when permission to do so wad denied and they refused to comply when the US sent its ultimatum war began. Because the war seemed to go on longer than nessecary it caused controversy back at home. (https://www.britannica.com/event/Iraq-War) -
Hurricane Katrina Strikes the States
This category three hurricane left much of New Orleans submerged, and surrounding areas in ruins. The government took far too long to respond to the damage, which allowed for further damage, and loss of support from those affected. Years after the storm, a trial was held which ruled that the government was partly accountable for some of the damage, due to their failure to use navigational canals to lessen the flooding. (http://www.nytimes.com/topic/subject/hurricane-katrina) -
The Great American Boycott (aka A Day Without Immigrants)
An estimated one million protesters crowded the streets of several major cities including Chicago, LA, San Diego, and Denver. Most of these people were Latinos who were making an effort to raise awareness about how there are many immigrants who are "good enough to work in the US, but not good enough to be citizens". The protests brought the issue to the government to be discussed; however not much has been done about the issue. (https://www.theguardian.com) -
I started going to VCS
I started to attend Valley Christian School in Kindergarten. I was extremely nervous that first day, but by the end of the week I had made some friends. It's been ten years and some of these people are still my best friends. -
First Female Speaker of the US house of representatives was sworn into office.
Nancy Pelosi was the first female Speaker of the house. During the four years that she held this position she was able to have a major impact in politics. She spoke out for the withdraw of troops from Iraq, for better paying jobs, access to college education and health care. Through this major accomplishment many women have been inspired to run for political offices. (http://www.biography.com/people/nancy-pelosi-38487#entering-politics) -
President Bush send 21,500 troops to Iraq
By this point the war had been going on for four years, and a massive number of troops had already been sent to Iraq, not to mention the hundreds of billions of dollars that have been spent on this war. Many politicians argued against Bush on this, as the last attempts were ineffective. Many citizens already loathed this war - only 27% of the citizens supported Bush's actions - which caused tensions in the country to rise. (http://www.thecurrent.org/feature/2007/01/10/bushiraq) -
I had my first art piece on display
I used to take art classes at the Abington Art Center. Following this set of classes they held an exhibition, for all of the students. I was really excited about it, even though it wasn't was a major honor. Little did I know I would continue to have art displayed, published, and commishined since then. My work has been in a few small art shows, the school art and literary magazine, as well as several competitions. -
Barack Obama was elected as the first African American President of the US
When Barack Obama was elected President, it served as a sign of major progress in the country in regards to racism, as not too long ago many people would not have thought of having African American president. The transition into office for President Obama, was not the easiest as the country was facing economic distress caused by two wars in about eight years. Regardless, President Obama was hopeful for the future. (http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/05/us/politics/05elect.html?_r=0) -
The Great Recession is at its worst
By late 2009, unemployment had doubled between Dec. '07 to Oct. '09, the market value of houses dropped 30%, and the GDP dropped 4.3% in roughly the same amount of time. To combat this issue the Federal Reserve used many "nontraditional" methods, such as cutting federal funds from 5.25% to 0.25%, creating credit reserve programs, and implementing "large scale asset purchase programs". By 2013 these actions led to improvement in the US economy.(www.federalreservehistory.org/Events/DetailView/58) -
Obama wins the Noble Peace Prize
Obama was awarded the Noble Peace Prize his work towards improving international diplomacy. He also received this award for getting people to cooperate better with one another, and for working towards "a world without nuclear weapons". Since he was awarded he has continued to work towards these goals and has improved relations between the US and several countries including Cuba, and had visited many others. (http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/2009/press.html) -
I Almost Moved
My parents had decided that having a third child meant a larger house might be beneficial. We had found a house in Upper Dublin, and they had gone and signed a bunch of papers; all we had to do was sell our house. Months went by and no one bought our house, leaving us unable to purchase the house. Because of this we never actually moved, but that's alright because my sisters and I really liked where we were and still are now. -
Osama Bin Laden is killed
Osama Bin Laden was killed in a raid by the US navy SEALs in Abbottabad, Pakistan. During the raid the SEALs found evidence that suggested that there were plans being made to assassinate Obama as well as to conduct other terrorist attacks, one of which being on the anniversary of 9/11. If he hadn't been killed it's possible that things in the US could have been very different than they are now. (http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/osama-bin-laden-killed-by-u-s-forces) -
I started going to BCC
BCC (Bear Creek Camp) is an overnight summer camp that I started to go to when I was ten. Initially my mom didn't want me to go, but with enough begging from my sister and I and the reassurance of family friends who had attended before I got to go. Since I started to go there I have had the opportunity to try many things I typically don't get to do, such as archery, hiking, rafting and more. Additionally, I've made some really amazing friends these last five years. -
I Met Bethany Hamilton
My friend had invited me to visit her church to hear Bethany Hamilton speak about her experience concerning the loss of her arm, and how she has used that to accomplish so much. It was amazing to hear that even though she was only thirteen, she began to make the best of a terrible situation, which I found that really inspiring. By fourteen she had published a book, which gave me a bit of hope regarding my own dream of being a young writer as well. -
I started volunteering to work with kids
I had been going to a VBS at my friends church for quite awhile, and I was now old enough to volunteer for the program. For that summer and the next two summers I spent a week working with kids between the ages of 3-5. I've also spent a summer at Carson Simpson Farm for summer camp, and two summers at Briar Bush Nature Center for day camp as well. I enjoy it every year and hope to continue working at various summer camps. -
I finished my first novel
When I was younger I had always said that I would love to be a writer. Prior to this point, and even now I come up with ideas for books, but I rarely get past five pages. I eventually found an idea and stuck with it. My friend was also a writing a book at the time and we used to exchange stories and give each other feedback. It took me about a year to complete and ended up being 202 pages (handwritten). -
I switched schools
Up until this point I went to Valley Christian School, a tiny private school in Huntington Valley. I was terrified to go to AJHS, as I knew no more than ten of the 1500+ students there. At first it was difficult not knowing anyone but it got better as time passed. Three years passed and now I have a good friend group and I'm involved in many activities that I have a great interest in. -
Black Lives Matter was founded
The movement started in response to incidents of innocent, African Americans being killed by the police, to raise awareness about some of the issues African Americans face. This movement has started controversy and conflict nationwide. There have been many demonstrations, and unfortunately at some demonstrators, onlookers, and police monitoring the events have been hurt. This movement has shown that despite what some people say racism still exists in the US.(http://www.cnn.com) -
I Participated in the Junior High Poetry Slam
As previously mentioned I hold a great interest in writing. During the last few years I decided to try my hand at poetry, and I love it. I began submitting my work to the art and literary magazine, and was asked to do a reading at the 2015 junior high poetry slam. I agreed and enjoyed myself there. I competed in the next year's poetry slam, and I plan to continue writing and sharing poetry. -
Same Sex marrage is legalized in the US
Twelve years after Massachusetts became the first state to legalize same-sex marriage, the Supreme Court rules that it is now legal in all fifty-states. Many rejoiced and were finally able to marry, while others questioned, and protested against the ruling. In the last few years since then same-sex marriage has been remained a topic of controversy, but is gaining support. (http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-33290341) -
The Pope came to Philadelphia
During Pope Francis's trip to the U.S. he visited New York, Washington, and Philadelphia. This event brought tons of spectators, and required a considerable increase in national security. While the Pope was here he visited many schools, churches, and prisons leaving a lasting impact on many individuals, and strengthening the bonds between many groups of people. (http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2015/09/27/pope-francis-wraps-up-us-visit-philadelphia/72923820/) -
I was selected to perform in the pit orchestra.
I've always had a major interest in music, and have thought about pursing a career in that direction. I never really thought there were too many jobs besides a music teacher that I could have. I really enjoyed playing with the pit, and would now consider becoming a professional musician.