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Jaya's journey

  • Jaya's birthday

    Jaya's birthday
    I was a big baby. My mom showed me the picture of me on the scale and she said I wore 8 pounds and 9 ounces.
  • I was very alert

    I was very alert
  • My first time at Chuck E Cheese

    My first time at Chuck E Cheese
    Look at my fat cheeks.
  • My Easter Picture

    My Easter Picture
  • I was holding my bottle all on my own

    I was crawling as well
  • I can walk now

    I can walk now
    I had just started walking.
  • My first birthday

    I had a butterfly cake but my mom said that I was not feeling too well at my birthday party so I did not do anything.
  • I was eating at the table all on my own

    I was eating at the table all on my own
  • I started daycare

    I was excited to see all of the other kids
  • My second birthday

    Happy Birthday!
  • My third brthday

  • I turned four this day

  • Happy fifth birthday

  • My first day of school

    My first day of school
    My old school was City Springs and Ms Lefrancois was my prek teacher. I really love her.
  • I turned 5 this day

    I turned 5 this day
  • First day of Kindergarten

    First day of Kindergarten
    This was my first year at Patterson Park Public charter school. I was so exciting about meeting all of my new friends at my new school
  • Halloween

  • I am six

  • Lost my top front tooth

    Lost my top front tooth
  • Kindergarten graduation

    Kindergarten graduation
  • First trip to Disney World

    First trip to Disney World
  • My second trip tp Disney World

    My second trip tp Disney World
    We had so much fun at Disney world,
  • Prek Teacher wedding

    Prek Teacher wedding
    Ms Lefrancois looked so beautiful
  • I am 7