
Jay Gatsby

  • Gatsby growing up

    Gatsby growing up
    Gatsby's parents were always unsuccesful farm people.(98)
  • Period: to


  • Clam Diggin' and Salmon Fishin'

    Clam Diggin' and Salmon Fishin'
    Gatsby was a fisherman at Lake Superior for a year.(98)
  • Janitor Work

    Janitor Work
    Gatsby worked as a janiter at St. Olaf's Southern Lutheran college.(99)
  • Meeting Dan Cody

    Meeting Dan Cody
    Jay Gatsby meets Dan Cody and leaves with him to go to the West Indies.(100)
  • Working for Dan Cody

    Working for Dan Cody
    Employed in Cody's personal capacity as his "mate, skipper, secratary," etc...(100)
  • Daisey

    Gatsby meets Daisey.
  • "Present Time"

    "Present Time"
    Year this book takes place in.