Jason mraz 2

Jason Mraz by Justin

  • Baby Jason Mraz

    Baby Jason Mraz
    Jason Mraz was born in June 1977 Mechansville,Virgina.
  • Period: to

    Jason Mraz by Justin

  • Permanent gig at Java Joe's

    Permanent gig at Java Joe's
    Jason Mraz got a permanent gig at java joe's coffeehouse in San Diego Calfornia.Then from when he sang on the street in New York City.And before that sang in a local band called Dreesed to kill as a teen.
  • Signed with Elektra Records

    Signed with Elektra Records
    Signed with elektra records for about for 3 years.
  • Grammy awards

    Grammy awards
    He won 2 awards in 2010 for make it mine he won Grammy award for best male pop vocal performance and for lucky best male pop calbration with vocals.