Jason Marcacci

  • Preschool

    When we moved I started preschool. On the first day, I was screaming! I didn't want to go. I did well there after the first day but I hated school and I still do.
  • My dog passes.

    I had a german Sheperd named Lady. She was female. She stopped eating. We took her to the vet and she had leukemia. She passed away at the vet's and was cremated. RIP.
  • I start homeschool.

    Halfway through 4th grade, my parents tried to switch my class because my teacher was horrible. She would ignore everyone and what she said was incorrect like plants are neither alive or not alive.

    The class switching never worked out so I started homeschooling which was pretty nice.
  • I start 6th grade.

    In my last year of homeschooling, I tried my best which I think was my 2nd best grades of the year. 4th Grade homeschooling was the best year.
  • My little brother is born.

    In 2016 or 2015 my little brother was born. He been growing up very fast and learns quickly.
  • I get my own phone.

    On my 10th birthday, one of my presents was an iPhone SE which I still use to this day and it still works very well.
  • My best math test score.

    In school, I had a math test that I was sure I would do good. I got a percent of 86%.
  • I get my honor roll.

    Currently, in school I got my honor roll of a 3.33 GPA, I didn't even know about an honor roll I just got it.