Jason Lockhart Timeline

  • Iraq rejects new U.N. Security Council weapons inspections proposals

    Iraq rejects new U.N. Security Council weapons inspections proposals
    On this day, Iraq rejects new U.N. Security Council weapons inspections proposals. This leads to tension between the U.N. and Iraq. Also increase the fear that Iraq may have nuclear weapons.
    Citation: http://articles.latimes.com/2000/apr/16/news/mn-20312
  • I was born on this day

    I was born on this day
    This was the day I was born. I was born at Abington Memorial Hospital at almost 1:00 in the morning. I weighted 7 pounds 3 ounces and was 21.5 inches long. This was a great day because I joined it.
  • I turned 1 years old and walked for the first time.

    I turned 1 years old and walked for the first time.
    On July 20th, 2001 I turned one years old and had my first birthday party. Also I learned to walk and took my first step. Before that I had crawling down to a science.
  • 9/11

    On this day in New York City, two passenger planes crashed into the Twin Towers. This was no accident, it was an attack on the US and its people by Alqueda. Non-military planes were grounded for days. It is a day we will never forget.
    Citation: http://timeline.national911memorial.org/
  • United Staes Military invades Afghanistan

    United Staes Military invades Afghanistan
    On March, 1st 2002 the United States military invaded Eastern Afghanistan in operation called Anaconda. The purpose was to eliminate Al Qaeda forces and Taliban forces.
  • My brother John was born in Abington Memoria Hospital

    My brother John was born in Abington Memoria Hospital
    John is my younger brother, he is two years younger than I am. He was born on June,27th 2002 at Abington Memorial Hospital. John weighed 7 pounds and 15 ounces and was 22 inches long.
  • North Korea announces that it possesses nuclear weapons

    North Korea announces that it possesses nuclear weapons
    In February10th, 2005 North Korea announces that it possesses nuclear weapons as a protection against the hostility it feels from the United States. This made a lot of countries nervous due to the unstable leader of North Korea holding deadly weapons at his disposal.
  • My fist day of Kinderngarden at Overlook Elm.

    My fist day of Kinderngarden at Overlook Elm.
    On this day I went to Overlook Elementary for the first time. This day began my educational experience and I met a lot of my friends that I still hang with today. It was a full day program that I liked very much.
  • A resolution to the Lebanon War is accepted

    A resolution to the Lebanon War is accepted
    On August 11th, the United Nations Security Council reached a unanimous decision to end the 2006 Lebanon War. This war was between the Jews and the Muslims and it lasted for 33 days.
  • My youngest brother Adam was born

    My youngest brother Adam was born
    On this day my Mom gave birth to my youngest brother Adam. He didn't want to come out and was late. Adam weighed 8 pounds 10 ounces and was 21 1/2 inches long. He was born at 8:41 in the morning.
  • I started to wear glasses

    I started to wear glasses
    On this day I started wearing glasses. Before that my teacher had to move me to the front of the class because it was hard to see the board. I remember going to pick them out, they were Armani brand. Till this day I still wear glasses.
  • Osama bin Laden is killed by U.S Navy Seals

    Osama bin Laden is killed by U.S Navy Seals
    On May 2nd, 2011 in Pakistan at 1:00am Seal Team 6 was authorized to kill the leader of a terrorist group called Al Qaeda. President Obama announced the death of Osama bin Laden on TV the next day. Everyone stopped for a moment.
  • North Korea violated the United Nations Security Council

    North Korea violated the  United Nations Security Council
    A North Korean Earth observation satellite exploded shortly after launch. The U.S and other countries called the launch a violation of the United Nations Security Council demands. The launch was supposed to celebrate the birthday of Kim Il-sung, the founder of the republic.
  • My first day in Middle School

    My first day in Middle School
    On this day I walked into Abington Junior High for the first time. It seemed huge and took some time getting use to the stair cases, lockers and moving from class to class. Also, it was my first time adapting to a new school that brought students from all around the district.
  • The day I moved in with my Dad

    The day I moved in with my Dad
    January 24th, was a rough day. My Mother forced me out of the house and had the Police took me to school. That was the day I decided to stay permanently with my Dad. It has been great since then. I’m more confident and improved academically. I know what to expect each day. That was the last day I was in my Mom’s house.
  • Bombing of the Boston Marathon

    Bombing of the Boston Marathon
    On April15th, during the Boston Marathon in the United States. Two brothers put homemade bombs by the finish line and detonated the bombs. This bombing killed 3 people and injured 264 others. The brothers led a chase all through the Boston metropolitan area until one was killed and the other captured.
  • New economic sanctions against Russia go into effect

    New economic sanctions against Russia go into effect
    On this day United States President Barack Obama introduced new economic sanctions against Russia. He convinced other world leaders at the G7 summit that the sanctions were necessary. These sanctions targeted companies, banks and individuals close to Russian President Vladimir Putin.
  • I recieved my Iphone 6

    I recieved my Iphone 6
    On Christmas 2014, I was given an IPhone 6 and it changed my life. I have had a cell phone since age 10, they were non-smartphones and most people would say they were museum quality. Recieving my first smartphone helped me meet more people and extend my friendships.
  • FIFA President Sepp Blatter announces his intention to resign

    FIFA President Sepp Blatter announces his intention to resign
    The FBI led an investigation on the corruption of FIFA. U.S. authorities indicted 14 people -- nine football officials and five sports-marketing executives. They call for an extraordinary FIFA congress to be formed to elect a new president of FIFA. This is important because the United States led the charge to force a powerful man who was the president of a worldwide business.
  • First Day of High School

    First Day of High School
    On this day summer ended and I began my first day attending Abington Senior High. I began my first year in a new building seeing all my friends again. I had to start over trying to get use to the stair cases, the different halls and how to find my classes. Now its game time...