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Jasmine's Timeline

  • Born

    November 04, 1995 is the date my mother gave birth to me in Bayamon, Puerto Rico.
  • Period: to


  • Graduated from Pre-Start

    Graduated from Pre-Start
    I graduated from Pre-Start in Puerto Rico.
  • Went to VA

    Went to VA
    I was six years old when I moved to VA (for the first time) with my mom and my siblings.
  • My mom went to Puerto Rico

    My mom went to Puerto Rico
    After like two years of not seeing my mom she decided to come to Puerto Rico to visit me and my brother and her mom (which we were stayin with)
  • Mini Ninja Bike

    Mini Ninja Bike
    I was 9 years old when I had my own very first Mini Ninja Bike. I remember the morning of my Birthday when I wake up and I went downstairs I see something covered up with blankets (it was my birthday present) I take the blankets off and it was my ninja bike. :)
  • My mom and siblings

    My mom and siblings
    My mom and my younger siblings move to Puerto Rico for a year for the first time.
  • Puchi

    My family and I own a pitbull for the first time.
  • My Cousin

    My Cousin
    For the first time I finally met my mom's sister's son (my cousin) in real life.
  • Basketball Game

    Basketball Game
    My mom comes to one of my basketball games for the first time.
  • Went for Vacation to Puerto Rico

    Went for  Vacation to Puerto Rico
    After four years of not seeing the one woman that raised me almost half my life (my grandma) I finally went to Puerto Rico for a visit for a month.