Jasmin's timeline

  • Born in east Los Angeles california

    Born in east Los Angeles california
    My family lived in east Los Angeles for several years. When I was born we continued to live there.
  • I got baptized

    I got baptized
    Religion is very important to my family and I. So when I was barely a year old I got baptized.
  • Moved to El Monte

    Moved to El Monte
    After living in the same house my parents decide that we needed to move because there was not enough room for everyone. So we found a house in El Monte that was in a nice neighborhood a decided to live there.
  • Started school

    Started school
    I started kindergarten when I was about 4 or 5 years old.
  • My grandma died

    My grandma died
    My grandma, from my mom side died. It was really hard on my mom because they were close.
  • Met my bestfriend

    Met my bestfriend
    I met my best friend when I was 7 years.
  • I got my cat

    I got my cat
    I've had my cat for 4 years and I love him.
  • Joined sports

    Joined sports
    I joined sports and I realized how much I liked it
  • I got my own room

    I got my own room
    I got my own room and was very excited
  • moved to durfee

    moved to durfee
    When I was going to 7th grade I went to durfee
  • Met more friends

    Met more friends
    I met my new best friends
  • I got my dog

    I got my dog
    I got my dog and he is a white pitbull
  • I got my first phone

    I got my first phone
    I got my first the iphone 7