Dark Ages (500 CE-1000CE)
This name came from scholars. Which at the time when the forces of light called Romans. Roman empries granted barbarian mercenaries land with their Empire. In return for military sevice, the barbarians became the new ruler. This information came from my notes. http://www.britannica.com/event/Dark-Ages -
Feb 7, 1215
Magna Carta
The king is a subject to the law. Which this law still takes place. "Magna Carta is not primiarily significant for what it is was, but rather for what it was made to be". This quote was said by Erwin Griswold. -
Mar 3, 1300
Trade Between Africa and Asia
Persain traders brought Asain goods. They brought them to Africa. Meanwhile they took American raw materials to Asia. By 1300's there were cities trading on the coast of east Africa. It was 35 trading cities to be exact. One of the sources I used was my notes. http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/fandd/2007/06/broadman.htm -
Mar 3, 1350
This was french for "rebirth". The Renaissance was like a turning point during this time. More art and things were created. Milan, Venice, Florence where the three main important parts during this time period. Half of this I got from the textbook and Notes. http://www.britannica.com/event/Renaissance -
Mar 3, 1494
Italian Wars
A series of destructive wars for control Italy. France and Spain were the ones fighting agaisnt eachother. Spanish Habsburgs took an domination over Italy. Charles VII was the main reason why this war started. It lasted 1494-1559. http://www.britannica.com/event/Italian-Wars -
Jun 3, 1524
The Rise of Lutheranism
Luther faced a political crisis. German peasants revolted agaisnt their lords. The peasants looked to Luther to support their cause. Luther supported the lords instead. They beilieved that god maintained the peace. I used the textbook for this information. -
Mar 3, 1536
Calvin and Calviniism
John Calvin published the Institutes of the Christain Religion. He was educated in Native France. He foreced to flee Catholic France for the safety of Switzerland. Calvin and Luther were very close. They both agreeed with each other in certain areas or topics. Used my book for this information.