When I was born
This is a pic of me when I was born. -
My Birthday
The date 7 sept,2007 was the day I was born and now every year me and my family celebrate my birthday and I grow ! year older each birthday. -
this is the first time I visit the airport. -
My First Steps
The date 27 June 2008 is when I haad walked my first steps and it is the most memorble moment cause i kept on tripping but I raised back again and never gave up with my parents support. -
My first Party
This was the first marriage celebration after I was born and for the first time I got to meet my whole family uncle ,aunts ,cousins and nieces. -
My First Day
This is me and my friend I made on the first day of kindergarten on the first day Iz have to be honest that I was scared to leave my mom for the first time but I got through it. -
Meeting A Friend
This is me and Sanya we were besties but then she had to leave hong kong and I was very sad. -
My first Ballet Lesson
This was my first ever belle class I was really nervous on my first lesson but then I got used to it and I king of had fun learning it and I had made many new friends.