Creation of the "Casa de Niños Expositos"
In Mendoza -
Creation of the Sociedad de Beneficiencia"
In Mendoza -
Ley Simini
Free and compulsory preschool education for all children of 3, 4 and 5 years of the province of Buenos Aires -
First ideas about the importance of educating kids
Written by Domingo Faustino Sarmiento in "Educación Popular". -
Pedagogical renovation
Disappereance of corporal punishment. -
Presidency of Domingo Faustino Sarmiento
It pianotes children education together with Juana Manso inspirate by the principles of "Kindergarten" by Froebel. -
Pedagogical renovation
Graduate school apears. -
Presidency of Domingo Faustino Sarmiento. The End.
Ley 1420 - First Kindergarten
Ley 1420 - Educacion laica, gratuita y obligatoria de 6 a 14 años.
Articulo 11 - Se crean jardines de infantes en aquellas ciudades donde "fuera posible dotarlos suficientemente" -
It works 1 ° Kindergarten - Mendoza
In "Escuela Normal de Maestras Nicolas Avellaneda. -
Ley Provincial de Educación Común - Mendoza
It creates the General Directorate of Schools and the General Council of Education. -
Leopoldo Lugones
Campaign to chose the gardens, for considered the, useless. -
Leopoldo Lugones
Campaign to chose the gardens, for considered the, useless. -
Jardin de Infantes Merceditas de San Martin.
Founders: Rufino Ortega y Don Jose Simón Sevilla. -
General directors of schools M. Antequeda
To abolish the garden of ingantes at all because it did not provide any important service to the education of the childhood. -
Pedagogical renovation
Ideas of renewal pedagogical of the "New School" begin to be applied. The initial education is revitalized and the ideas of Juana Manso are taken up. -
In Mendoza, the kindergartens were created.
Jardin N° 0-002 "greporto Araoz Alfaro"
Jardin N° 0-003 "Maria Curie" -
Jean Piaget
Development of evolutionary psychology childhood and cognitive development. -
Jean Piaget
Development of evolutionary psychology childhood and cognitive development. -
Sigmund Freud
The psychoanalyst begins to impact on the Argentine education. -
Ley Simini
Repeal of the law -
Ciencias de la Educacion UBA
Universal declaration of the rights of the childs
Hebe San Martin de Duprat and Cristina Frizche
Publishing "Fundamentos y estructura del jardin de infantes" -
Lidia Bosh, Lilua Menegazto y Amanda Galli.
Publishing "el jardin de infantes hoy" -
Ley 20582
Creacion del instituto de Jardines maternales zonales -
The position of "Inspectora" in primary education was created.
Military dictatorship
In preschool it's dangerous to arouse the excess of imagination. -
Escuela Normal de Maestras Nicolas Avellaneda. - Mendoza
In Mendoza is created the Normal School of Teachers Nicolas Avellaneda. -
The military dictatorship ends.
The "Comisión Compatibilizadora" is created.
That has in charge the elaboration of curricular design for Kindergarten. -
The SEOS created in the governorate of Octavio Bordon arise.
- Initial education is revitalized
- New curricular design are promoted
Ley Federal de Educación
Initial education as the first link in the Argentine education system. Mandatory 5-year room. -
Ley de Educacion 26206
It is recognized that the initial level comprises from 45 days to 5 years.