
Japanese Imperialism 1894- 1941

  • Period: to

    Meji Restoration

    Began the idea of the Imperialism Era for Japan. The changes that occurred would update Japan into the new century and help it grow in the future.
  • First Sino- Japanese War

    First Sino- Japanese War
    During this time Japanese, thoughts on expansion was growing. China and Japan fought about who should take control over the late Josen- era Korea. Japan wins and adds the Korean Pennisula into its ranks.
  • Anglo Japanese Treaty

    Anglo Japanese Treaty
    First alliance that was against the western power. Japanese felt uneasy at this time with Russia’s sights on Korea. Japan makes and agreement with the British that if any were to get into a war with a single nation they wouldn’t fight back. If it were to be with more than on then the other nation would be able to help. This meant that Japan was able to have the British work with them if Russia was to work with other nations for war.
  • Russo Japanese War

    Russo Japanese War
    Imperialism took place with making connection to the European powers. This war took place because Japan wanted to stop Russia from succeeding in their own expansion. Japan won this war and it was the first time that any other country won against a European Power.
  • Treaty of Portsmouth

    Treaty of Portsmouth
    Ended the Russo Japanese War. This treaty gave Japan control over Korea, some of South Manchuria, Port Arthur and a railway that was connected to a region, as well as the Southern half of Sakhalin Island.
  • Japan- Korea Treaty

    Japan- Korea Treaty
    Korea becomes a colony of Japan. Japan finally achieved its control over all of Korea after years of slowly cohering Korea bit by bit. This control was important to Japan’s imperialism growth.
  • World War I

    World War I
    Japanese Imperialism took a turn when the war began. China’s authority wasn’t helpful nor were the Western powers available to help protect the Japanese interests.
  • Immigration Act of 1924

    Immigration Act of 1924
    The Gentlemen’s Agreement act was not followed through by the United States. During this time The United States limited the immigration of Asians. It created a stall with imperialism for Japan and the relationship between them and the United States.
  • Mukden Incident

    Mukden Incident
    Japans conquers Manchurian. A fight between Japan and China happens when a bomb goes off in a railway connecting to Mukden. Japan blames China and invades Manchurian.
  • Second Sino- Japanese War

    Second Sino- Japanese War
    The larges Asian war in history. China had its last straw with Japan over there expansion process this war would last from 1937 to 1945 at the end of World War II.
  • Great East Asian Co-prosperity Sphere

    Great East Asian Co-prosperity Sphere
    Using propaganda to expand to other territories Japan sent out there message all over Asia. Their message was to block out all the western powers influence in the different parts of Asia.