Commodore Perry Arrives in Japan
First of the Unequal Treaties Signed
Tokugawa Shogunate Ends
Emperor Meiji Formally Restored to Power
Iwakura Mission Tours Europe/USA to Learn Western Ways
Start of First Sino-Japanese War
End of First Sino-Japanese War
Russo-Japanese War Begins
Russo-Japanese War Ends
Annexation of Korea
Taisho Period Begins
Entrance to World War One, Allied with the Entente Powers
End of the Paris Peace Conference
Showa Period Begins
Invasion of Manchuria
Puppet State of Manchukuo Formed
Start of Second Sino-Japanese War
Bombing of Pearl Harbor
Atomic Bomb Dropped on Hiroshima
Atomic Bomb Dropped on Nagasaki
End of Second Sino-Japanese War
Formal Surrender of World War Two
New Constitution Takes Effect
Treaty of Peace with Japan Signed
Olympic Games Hosted in Tokyo
Economy Becomes Second Largest in the World