Japanese Internment Timeline

  • Naturalization Act

    Naturalization Act passed meaning that only a "free white person" could become a citizen
  • The Indian Removal Act

    Passed under Jackson's presidency. It stated that the U.S. govt. could move Native Americans to land further west.
  • The Trail of Tears

    The Choctaw, under a threat of invasion, became the first nation to be completely pushed off of their land. Their people left on foot with no food or supplies from the U.S. Thousands of people died on the journey. Their path is now called the Trail of Tears.
  • Worcester v. Georgia 31 U.S. 515 (1832)

    The supreme court rules that only the U.S. federal government can negotiate land with Native Americans.
  • The Indian Appropriations Act

    Formally created reservations.
  • Japanese isolationism

    Japanese gov. didn't allow many​ international relations
  • Gun Boat Diplomacy

    Commodore Matthew Perry sails into Tokyo harbor w/ four warships to force Japan into trading w/ US
  • Japanese emigration - Hawaii

    Japanese begin emigrating to Hawaii
  • Pratt Opens a Boarding School for Indigenous Children

    Pratt opened the boarding school hoping to assimilate the children. "Kill the Indian and save the man"
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese workers prohibited from entering US even as citizens if they left the country
  • The Dawes Act

    Allowed the government to portion land out to individual natives and sell the rest.
  • Period: to

    Japanese Internment

  • Period: to

    rising competition

    workers worry about rising competition bx Japanese and American citizens
  • Period: to

    Japanese emigration rise

    4x as many Japanese emigrated to US
  • Segregation

    San Francisco school board rules in favor of segregation of Chinese and Japanese students in California schools (lasted 2 years)
  • Gentleman's Agreement

    eased US/Japan tensions and stated the US would not implement an immigration policy that excluded all Japanese immigrants if Japan agreed issue fewer passports for day laborers to be able to emigrate to US
  • Period: to

    Alien Land Law

    restricted transfer of land to miners as a result total Japanese land owned shrunk from 75000 acres to 42000
  • Period: to

    National Origins Act

    National Origins Act dictates that US can only take so many immigrants as citizens and that Asian immigrants weren't accepted as citizens
  • Pearl Harbor

    Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor during WWII
  • "large scale Japanese invasion"

    US said large scale Japanese invasion was imminent
  • Period: to

    Executive order 9066

    Japanese to be incarcerated in concentration camps
  • last camp officially closed

  • Redress movement

    President Gerald R. Ford canceled 9066 in response to increasing pressure from former incarcerees and Japanese American activists
  • Civil Liberties Act

    Raegan signs granting former incarcerees 20000 dollars and fund for public education