Waking up to an attack on Pearl Harbor
Pearl Harbor Japanese fighter planes astonished America by dropping 2 waves of bombs on the American Naval Camp in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. This even killed over 3,000 Americans and lasted for 2 hours. On an early Sunday morning I woke up go down to the church on the corner when I heard a lot of rucus. I look towards the ocean and saw all of these planes heading in our direction. Things were falling from the sky and screams were everywhere; I was scared. -
Proclamation No. 2525 Ruined My Life
Proclamation No. 2525 Proclamation No. 2525 authorized America to keep potentially harmful enemy aliens. Agencies arrested thousands of "enemy aliens" that were suspected. Most of them were German, Italian, or Japanese. In the month of December, I was headed on out to buy Christmas presents for my kids when officers were waiting outside. They took me and my family and said we were being arrested as aliens. -
Roosevelt Signs Executive Order No. 9066
Executive Order No. 9066 When President Roosevelt permitted Executive Order No. 9066, it allowed the military to ban alien citizens within a 50-60 mile radius of any coastal location, Germans and Italians as well. Being President is a difficult position, especially when it means to disrupt any foriegn citizen of their rights. To be pressured by my fellow politicians is one thing, but making a decision like this one is tedious by all means. -
U.S Army Acquires Owens Valley for Manzanar
Manzanar 120,000 West Coast American citizens who were Japanese were rounded up and kept in Manzanar. They lived in tar-papered barracks that were surrounded with barbed wire in 1942 until WWII was over. Finding out what happened with Manzanar was shocking. Since I came from a conservative family, I was never aware. Even the idea of our country being capable of doing that makes me feel ashamed. -
Roosevelt Signs Executive Order No. 9102
Executive Order No.9066 The signing of Executive Order No. 9102 allowed the military to retrieve all Japanese Americans that they thought were potentially dangerous; which are from the West Coast. Being in the military is great when it comes to things you want to be taken care of, even though it means to put innocent Japanese families into controlled camps. Although it seems wrong, it's completely necessary. -
SIgning up for an all-Japanese American combat team
Japanese Army Henry Stimson believed that the military being racially integrated into camps would be too troublesome with the war going on and didn't want to be surprised with another attack again. Thus, he believed that those groups could and would be turned into an army. When I become a soldier, I can prove to my country and every American that I love America and will fight for it until I die; I am loyal. -
Regristration of People Over 17 for Army Recruitment
Recruiting Since the US was at war with Germany, Italy, and Japan, there was suspicion amongst the 3 types of citizens withing America.Thus, the Japanese Americans that were in the internment camps were offered a choice to prove their loyalty to the US by a questionnaire. I'm 17 and I love America. Yes I'm upset with how we are being treated, but I'm still loyal. I want to prove myself to my country within the army, -
Hooray for D-DAY!
D-Day D-Day was the turn of the war against Nazi Germany. Dwight D. Eisenhower led the operation with a substantial victory that had 5,000 ships and 13,000 aircrafts that aided the invasion, which resulted in 9,000 Allied injuries or deaths and over 100,000 troops onward to defeat Hitler. My troops will NOT lose another battle; it is time to move forward. Yes it will be a difficult battle, but my invasion is going to end this war once and for all. -
Supreme Court Rules WRA Attains No Authority to Keep A Loyal American Citizen
WRA Attainment The Supreme Court looked over the constitutionality of Executive Order 9066 and found that what it authorized was an exercise of the President's war powers. The court ruled that 9066 cant be used to give the WRA authority to put the Japanese in a relocation center. Japanese Americans like me know how hard an internment camp can be; especially to be shut out of your own country. -
Hooray for V-J Day!
V-J Day During the end of the summer of 1945 Americans were waiting for Japan's next invasion. After the bombing of Little Boy and Fat Man over Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the war was over. Waiting for WWII to be over was an extremely stressful period of time for me and my family. Being in the Army with children and a wife at home means that their lives are at stake; knowing that the war was over was a tremendous relief. -
All WRA Internent Camps are closed, except for Tule Lake Center
Closing Camps All because of 4 people; Korematsu, Endo, Yasui, and Hirabayashi, the government decided to stop the internment camps and send the Japanese citizens on their way. Being free with my family was the greatest news that I ever heard. I was so relieved to leave those dreadful camps and to get back to my world; I was glad it was over.