Japanese Internment

  • Naturalization Act

    Said only every free white person could become a US citizen
  • Gunboat diplomacy

    Matthew Perry sailed into Tokyo harbor and forced Japan to enter into trade relations with the US and ended isolationism
  • Japanese begin immigration to Hawaii

  • Gentlemen's Agreement

    agreement between US and Japan that US wouldn't exclude Japanese immigrants in their immigration policy if Japan didn't issue as many passports to travelers - short term solution
  • Extension of Naturalization Act

    US supreme court extended naturalization act to exclude Japanese immigrants
  • Alien Land Law

    Prohibited Japanese nationals from owning property in the US
  • National Origins Act

    Lowered the immigration quota from each European country - favors northern and western European immigrants
  • Period: to


  • Pearl Harbor

  • US superstition

    US Dep. of Justice claimed a largescale Japanese invansion was imminent and that Japanese Americans in Hawaii were committing sabotage
  • Executive Order 9066

    Signed by Franklin Roosevelt, authorized the forced removal of Japanese Americans living on the West coast
  • First forced removal of Japanese Americans

    Bainbridge Island, WA
  • Mitsuye Endo court case filed

    she was incarcerated, and she could get out of incarceration if she moved out of the west, but decided to stay because she wanted justice for all - declared that incarceration was not illegal, opened the idea that if incarcerees proved their loyalty then they could escape incarceration
  • Fred Korematsu case

    supreme court ruled that incarceration was a military necessity
  • Last Japanese internment camp closed

  • Cancelled Executive Order 9066

    President Ford did this
  • Redress Movement

    JACL launched a campaign for redress calling for restitution in the amount of $25,000
  • Reagan signed the Civil Liberties Act

    granted a formal presidential apology, $20,000 in payments to all living incarcerees, and $5 million for publuc education efforts