Japanese Internment

By meg.h.
  • Progression of Discrimination

    The first Japanese to settle on the U.S. mainland arrive near Sacramento, California
  • Progression of Discrimination

    The U.S. Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization orders that declarations of intent to file for citizenship can only be received from whites and from people of African descent, thus allowing courts to refuse naturalization to the Japanese
  • Progression of Discrimination

    Alien Land Bill prevents Japanese aliens from owning land in California.
  • Progression of Discrimination

    Congress passes an Immigration Act stating that no alien ineligibke for citizenship shall be admitted to the U.S. This stops all immigration from Japan.
  • Progression of Discrimination

    December 7: Suprise attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese.
  • Progression of Discrimination

    President Roosevelt signs Executive Order 9066, giving the War Department authority to define military areas in the western states and to exclude from them anyone who might threaten the war effort.