Japanese Internment

  • Indian Removal Act

    gave federal government power to exchange native land in southeast to west
  • Worcester v. Georgia

    all non Native American's could not live in the limits of Cherokee without a license.
  • Trail of tears

    General rounds people up who stayed on their land and makes them march 1200 miles.
  • Matthew Perry set off a relationship between U.S and Japan trade

    U.S navy sailed into Harbour of Tokyo with 4 warships and wanted to force Japan to enter trade relations with them
  • Daws Act

    government divided native's land into smaller plots and sold the rest of the land
  • Dawes Act

    divide reservation in small plots of land for each Native American family and the rest is sold to white people
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese workers were prohibited from coming into the U.S, and if they left they were not guaranteed reentrance.
  • Chinese and Japanese segregation in San Francisco schools

  • Gentleman's agreement

    Made between the United States and Japan, which was an agreement where if Japan send fewer visas for work, then U.S won't exclude them.
  • Extension of Naturalization Act

    This excluded Japanese immigrants, said the immigrants were aliens who should not be eligible for citizenship. Even though a smaller number of people were coming to work, they were also not allowed citizenship.
  • Alien Land Law

    Prohibited Japanese Nationals from owning property, many of them were upset and went around the law by buying land in the name of their U.S born children
  • National origins act/ Johnsons reed act

    Based on nationality, limited immigration by eastern and southern europeans. Also excluded immigrants from Asia and called them aliens as well. Remained in place until 1952
  • Selective training and service act

    All men between 21 and 36 had to report to local draft boards
  • Pearl Harbor

    Japan attacked the US naval bases in Hawaii, declared a war
  • Endos court case

    She was challenging incarceration, because they wanted to put him in jail because she looked Japanese, even though she had never been Japan and couldn't read or write it
  • Executive order 9066

    Removal of all people who were threat to National Security, many were Japanese Americans, and put into concentration camps
  • First forced removal of Japanese Americans

    They were forced all belongings, and everything they had for a fraction of their worth
  • Court failed to free Endo

    She remained incarcerated bc she wanted freedom for everyone not just herself
  • Last concentration camp closed

    many japanese americans were granted permission to leave before conclusion of war
  • Redress Movements

    in late 1960's, Serious of organized efforts by the Japanese americans telling US government to acknowledge and repair the damage caused in concentration camps.
    The 1969 pilgrimages were important to the movement
  • President Ford cancels Executive order 9066

  • Civil Liberties act

    Signed by President Reagan, granted formal apology which granted 20,000 dollar payment to everyone in concentration camps, and 5 million dollars to education