Meiji Emperor (1867-1912)
Promoted the abolishment of feudalism. Promoted industrial development and the creation of a parliament and modern government systems. -
Qing Dynasty in China declares war on Japan
Japan took over Korea which was under Chinese control. This upset China along with the ultranationalism of Japan, which led to the declaration of war. -
Treaty of Shimonoseki
This treaty granted Korea a full independence from China, gave Taiwan and the Liaodong Peninsula to Japan, made China pay 13,600 tons of silver to Japan, and allowed Japanese ships to operate on the Yangtze River, and to have four Chinese ports that would now be open to Japanese imports. -
Taiwan declares itself "Republic of Formosa"
There was a short period of time where Taiwan resisted in the Sino-Japanese War. On May 25, 1896, Taiwan declared itself the Republic of Formosa, and five months later was defeated by Japan. -
Boxer Rebellion
It was an anti-Christian and anti-foreign revolt in China. 200,000 Russian troops stationed in Manchuria to protect the railway from Chinese rebels and soldiers. Britain and Japan felt that interested were threatened by this. -
Anglo-American Alliance of 1902
Japan and Britain would aid each other militarily if either was at war with two or more countries. If either country was at war with only one other state, then the other would remain neutral. This was clearly directed at Russia. Japan only needed to deal with Russia in the case of war. -
Establishment of New Schooling Laws
The school system requirements changed from four years to six. This was done to increase literacy rates and teach practical skills and problem-solving. This was also done to push more military values and to increase attention and trust in the Japanese government. -
Japanese attack on Russian navy at Port Arthur
This event led to the invasion of Korea. The Japanese army had entered Russian-controlled Manchuria. The Japanese navy beat the Port Arthur-based Russian navy. Port Arthur was under siege by sea and land. -
Portsmouth Treaty
This treaty was one negotiated by the US. It required both Russia and Japan to remove all troops from Manchuria and restore it to Chinese control. It allowed Japan to lease the Liaodong Peninsula and Port Arthur from China. It granted Japan the right to lease the Russian-built Southern Manchurian Railway from China. It granted Japan the southern half of Sakhalin Island. -
Children sent to work in factories; stimulated the economy. WWI led to higher wages. 1914-1918: cotton textile exports rose by 185%. Shortage of workers and higher wages; after the war, employment dropped. -
These were monopolies. The monopolies were owned by individual families. By 1918, 8 zaibatsus controlled 20% of manufacturing, mining, and trade wealth. They had taken over the government because of their wealth. It increased as the country suffered an economic crisis. -
Rise of Radical Nationalism
Proponents opposed any policies or politicians that in their view weakened the Emperor. Assassination attempts were means of terrorizing officials: Racism. Led to a large increase in militarism. -
Five-Power Treaty
Between the US, Japan, France, Italy, and Britain.
o Limited tonnage (not an arms race, just got out of WWI so no money left to spend)
o Large battleship constructed halted for 10 years
o Certain battleships and cruises to be scrapped
o Every 5 capital ships that BR or USA was allowed, could only have 3, or 60% the amount of the US and BR
o BR and USA agreed to build no forts in the Pacific other than Pearl Harbor -
Four Power Treaty
The 4 Power Treaty ended Anglo-Japan alliance and made territories independent, (US, Japan, France, Britain) -
Nine Power Treaty
The 9 Power Treaty removed Japan’s military from the Shantung Peninsula and made them respect China’s border (open-door policy/no one controls China more than anyone else/no Chinese sovereignty). (US, Britain, Italy, Japan, France, China, Portugal, Belgium, and the Netherlands) -
Fires in Tokyo
A fire destroyed Tokyo which led to most buildings being destroyed because they were made from wood. The banks lent money to people so they could rebuild Tokyo, which led to a large rise in employment. -
Intro to Communism/Peace Protection Law of 1925
All people would be completely equal, have the same rights, and receive the same of everything. All property should be owned collectively by the people. Under the Peace Protection Law of 1925, but amended in1928, the government could arrest or execute anyone who wanted to change the governmental system. -
Bank Failures
There was no more loaning of money to rebuild Tokyo, which led to employment of skilled workers at only 7.5% and unskilled workers at 40%. The unemployment dropped again and were at a 40% unemployment status. These were Great Depression levels. -
Great Depression
Trade Barriers were raised: factories not able to compete; Japan shut off of US. Gross National Product (GNP): declined 20% (1929-1931). Stocks: Lost 50% of their value. 50% of small businesses closed. Exports: 40% decrease. US is now isolationist (Hawley-Smoot: highest tariff in history to protect American goods) and Japan loses a trade partner. Unemployment: increased dramatically. Agriculture prices: declined by 45% (1929-1931); left farmers in despair. -
London Naval Conference/London Naval Treaty
The Great Depression had just occurred. It limited Japanese navy advancement.
♣ Japan wanted 70% of the US naval capacity and did not get it, emperor of Japan caved into 69.75% and military leaders thought he caved in too early.
♣ Opinions of the military brought in more radical militarism, which led to a want to lower the power of the emperor -
Umezu-He Agreement
Japan invaded Manchuria in 1937 which erupted into a large war. Millions of troops and civilian deaths. Japan formed the China-Garrison Army to border the eastern and southern areas of Manchuria. Two pro-Japanese Chinese news owners killed which led to CGA demanding China to withdraw from Hebei Province or face invasion. Umezu-He agreements led to official withdraw and created a large demilitarized zone through northern China. -
Second London Naval Treaty
This was between the US, Britain and France. Japan withdrew because they had no interest in limiting the navy size. -
Doihara Kenji-Qin Dechun Agreement
China removes all troops from Manchukuo border. China agreed because of more interest in destroying CCP. China Garrison Army created puppet-state. -
12 Year Plan
The plan was to modernize and expand the armed forces and also acquire more territory to supply the war economy. -
Marco Polo Bridge Incident
There was a fight near Beijing in northern China. Japan wanted an apology. Bomber aircraft attack Shanghai (Japan controlled area). Led to war