Dated journal entry claiming witness of a comet in the sky from 2-6am
A 12 year old boy named Matasaburou had been keeping a diary of daily life in Tosa, and he recorded one of the earliest Japanese comet sightings. -
Department of Astronomy at University of Tokyo is founded
This was the birthplace of modern Japanese Astronomy -
Tokyo Astronomical Observatory was established
Taking place at the University of Tokyo, abbreviated to TAO -
L-4S-5 launched
Japan was the 4th nation to succeed in satellite launch, following USSR, USA and France. -
Tokyo Astronomical Observatory was reorganized to be the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan as an Inter-university Research Institute
Ancient tomb discovered to contain a detailed star chart
Later on, more tombs were found to contain similair "star paintings" containing maps of the sky -
Nova in the constellation Ophiuchus by a Japanese astronomer
Subaru Telescope saw the first light
NAOJ took part in the ALMA Project
The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array -
Japan Successfully Launches Lunar Explorer "Kaguya"
Japanese amateur astronomer captures flash on Jupiter
Japanese astronomers find most distant galaxy cluster
This year's Setsbun Festival
Marks the completion of the cycle of the 24 divisions of the solar year -
Japan launches world's first talking humanoid robot toward ISS
This robot was meant to be a companion to the single astronaut flying in this mission. -
New 'Nova' Star Explosion Spotted by Japanese astronomer
Koichi Itagaki