Japan Under the Shoguns

  • 710

    Nara is created, and the Nara period begins

  • Period: 710 to

    Japan Under the Shoguns

  • 794

    Heian-Kyo becomes Japan's new capitol, and the Heian period begins

  • 1185

    The Minamoto Clan seizes power from the emperor

  • 1192

    The Kamakura period begins

  • 1274

    The Mongol army launches their first attack on Japan, but the invasion fails

  • 1274

    The Mongol army launches their second attack on Japan, and once again, it fails

  • 1333

    Emperor Go-Daigo overthrows the Kamakura shogunate

  • 1336

    Ashikaga Takauji seizes power from Emperor Go-Daigo, and the Muromachi period begins

  • 1467

    Warring States civil war begins

  • 1568

    The Azuchi-Momoyama period begins

  • William Adams becomes the first Englishman to visit Japan

  • Tokugawa Leyasu becomes shogun

  • Tokugewa Lemitsu introduces the sakoku policy

  • A policy is introduced to reduce logging

  • Timber harvesting in Japan has been reduced by 60 percent, giving Japan's forests a chance to recover

  • U.S naval officer Matthew Perry arrives in the city of Edo (which is now known as Tokyo) to convince the Japanese to begin trading with other countries

  • The sakoku policy is put to an end

  • The last shogun steps down from his position of authority and hands power back to the imperial family