History assignment picture for timeline

Japan under the shoguns

By Darwin2
  • 767


    The life of Saicho, a monk and scholar who established the Buddhist Tendai Sect in Japan. He simplified the version of Buddhism and this rose in popularity.
  • Period: 767 to 1185

    Japan under the shoguns

  • 774


    Kukai founded the Shingon Buddhism in Japan, and became the most respected Buddhist. He is also a gifted sculptor and the creator of Japanese writing.
  • 781

    Emperor Kammu

    Emperor Kammu
    Emperor Kammu is the most powerful ruler Japan has ever seen and believed, ever will. He restrucured the royal household and governemnt, and reduced the states cost to try defeat corruption.
  • 794

    Heian period

    Heian period
    From 794 to 1185 the Heian period started.
  • 826


    A five story pagoda was added to To-ji temple which made it the largest in Japan. It is now a World Heritage Site because it is seen as a symbol of Kyoto, Japan.
  • 838

    Heian embassy

    In this time is was the last Japanese embassy to China in the Heian period.
  • 866

    Fugiwara no Yoshifusa

    Fugiwara no Yoshifusa
    Fugiwara no Yoshifusa became the first Japanese regent not of royal blood. The Fugiwara no Yoshifusa was a powerful family group that controled most areas of the government, by marrying their daughters into the imperial line.
  • 887

    Emperor Uda

    The reign of Emperor Uda lasted from 887-897.
  • 897

    Emperor Go-Daigo

    Emperor Go-Daigo
    The rulling of Emperor Go- Daigo lasted from 897 - 930.
  • 995

    Fujiwara no Michinaga

    Fujiwara no Michinaga becomes the Fujiwara clan leader in Japan.
  • 1002

    Sei Shonagon

    Sei Shonagon
    Sei Shonagon completed the "Pillow Book", which is a Japanese clasic that describes the court life in the Heian period.
  • 1004

    Izumi Shikibu

    Izumi Shikibu
    Izumi Shikibu was a member of the Japanese court aswell as a poet and writer. In her meoirs she wrote 'Izumi Shikibu Diary" which was based on her affairs with two princes. Her poems in her diary are regarded as Japans finest and best.
  • 1020

    Murasaki Shikibu

    Murasaki Shikibu
    Murasaki Shikibu wrote the "Tale of Genji". It is Japan's oldest novel, and maybe the world's to. It talks about the life and loves of prince Genji, and seen for it's characterisation and short descriptions of the Japanese imperial court. The novel also used the line "the sadness of things" over 1000 times.
  • 1073

    Emperor Shirakawa

    The reign of Emperor Shirakawa in Japan from 1073 - 1087.
  • 1156


    In Japan there was Hogen Disturbance in 1156.
  • 1160


    In 1160 there was Heiji Disturbance in Japan.
  • 1180


    In 1180 The Taira forces concquered an armt led by Minamoto no Yorimasa.
  • 1180


    From 1180 to 1185 there was a war called the Genpei War in Japan between the two clans, Taira and Minamoto.
  • 1181


    In 1181 the Taira forces yet again, defeat an army led by Minamoto no Yukie.
  • 1183

    Kiso Yoshinaka

    Kiso Yoshinaka
    In 1183 Kiso Yoshinaka defeats a large Taira army at Kurikara in Etchu, so this cuts off the Japanese capital Heiankyo (Kyoto) for a while.
  • 1183

    Emperor Go-Toba.

    In 1183 - 1198 was the reign of Japan's Emperor Go-Toba.
  • 1185

    The battle

    In 1185 there was the battle of Dannoura where the Minamoto clan conquers their rival Taira, and the young emperor Antoku drowns.