Jan 1, 1000
First Japenese novels appear
Jan 1, 1160
the start of japan's Medieval Period
Jan 1, 1185
Zen buddhism introduction Japan
Jan 1, 1281
Japan drives back mongol invasion
Jan 1, 1336
japan has its first contact with europe
Jan 1, 1549
Christian missionaries arrived in japan
Japan Bans foreigners and access to foreign goods and literature
Anti-Christian decreses were proclaimed
Missionaries expelled from japan
Commodore Mathew Perry (Us) arrives in Japan, beginning the end of Japan's isolation from the rest of the world.
Prince Mutsuhito becomes emperor
the first to have real authority since the start of the Medieval period -
The Meiji Constitution is established as the law of government in japan
Kammu makes heian his capital and heian period begins