Gift of the Meiji Constitution
Made the Emperor of Japan head of state and declared him to be a divine individual. Established a parliament known as the Diet. Much political power, however, developed among members of the privy council, cabinet and military -
Anglo-Japanese Alliance
Treaty between Britian and Japan. The alliance's original goal was to prevent Russia from expanding into Manchuria and to preserve the territorial integrity of China and Korea. -
Start of Russo-Japanese War
First Attack on Port Arthur
Commencement of the Russo-Japanese War. Surprise night attack by a squadron of Japanese destroyers on the neutral Russian fleet anchored at Port Arthur, Manchuria, and continued with an engagement the following morning; further skirmishing off Port Arthur would continue until May 1904. -
Treaty of Portsmouth
Signed by Japan and Russia to signal the end of the war. Japan was given Korea, and the southern half of Sakhalin island. Russia was to pay for the war, Japan grew in international respect. -
Start of the Russian Revolution
Battle at Mukden
last and the most decisive major land battle of the Russo-Japanese War. Largest modern-era battle fought prior to WW1. -
Battle of Tsushima Straits
Japanese navy completely destroyed a Russian fleet at the Battle of Tsushima Straits. Japan occupied Sakhalin Island. -
Shantung Peninsula
Britain asked Japan to join war as an ally (Anglo-Japanese Alliance) . Germany stationed warships along Shantung Peninsula. Germany removed warships, Tsianto surrendered to Japan, Japan took control of German possessions in Pacific. -
Twenty-One Demands to China which gave them significant economic and political power over the nation; china accepted because they could not resist Japan. Caused western concern and influenced Paris Peace Conference -
Paris Peace Conference
Paris Peace Conference: 1919 League of Nations Japan was founding member; major goal was to control Shangtung Mandates Established for former colonies and territories of defeated powers Annex Japan recieved german territories, but did not get to annex Russo Japanese War Defeated Russia, one of many factors that uplifted Japanese power Conscription Allowed Japan to increase size of navy -
Washington Naval Conference and Treaties
Limit size of Navies US, Britain, Japan agreed upon the following Stop building battleships for 10 years Scrap some capital ships 5:5: 3 ration of capital ships Left Japan’s military displeased -
End of Anglo-Japanese Allaince
London Naval Conference
Reviewed previous naval agreements and resized ratio of battleships Increased Japanese ratio, but left ultranationalists unsatisfied, which led to assassination of prime minister Military Expansion Japan to China Increased Spending Navy limited, but army was not Military increased political power Great Depression Government used military sending to stimulate economy, military might increased -
Interwar Treaties
Interwar Treaties (1931) Allowed Japan and USA to ally as both countries desired security and territory Civilian government vs Military Military; Strengthen and expand Protecy territory from foreign interest Add more territory Civilian was concerned; Appease military due to political influence Economic pressures as a result of military Maintain good economic relations with west Not provoking western powers -
Kidjuro Shidehara
Kidjuro Shidehara Developed policy that allowed military expansion and reassured foreign powers (Shidehara Diplomacy lasted till’ 31)