Japan Timeline

  • Period: 300 BCE to


  • 1 CE

    Shintoism became the national religion.

    Shintoism is a traditional religion that focuses on ritual practices that are to be carried out to establish a connection between Japan today and ancient Japan. Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism are the 3 religions that some of there practices come from, but most are from ancient Japans beliefs.
  • 260

    Chinese Alphabet

    Also known as Kanji the Chinese alphabet was adopted by Japan in 260. Even though in China there are the kanji characters used are way bigger then the ones used in Japan about 75-80% of the characters used in both Chinese and Japanese languages have the same meaning.
  • 749

    Koken became Empress

    Shomu's daughter Koken, became Empress of Japan. Koken occupied the thrown twice. Before her there was many Empresses. Koken was the last women to have the crown until the 17th century.
  • 794

    The capital of Japan moved to Heian-kyo

    The capital of Japan was moved from Nara to Heian-kyo because the Emperor thought the priest power was damaging the government. He also wanted a bigger and nicer city to be his capital.
  • 1100

    The Taira and the Minamoto fought for control of Japan.

    The war between 2 rival clans Taira and Minamoto was also known as Genpei war. These 2 clans were fighting for control of Japan and the imperial throne.This civil war ended up being part of the downfall for the Taira clan.
  • 1181

    The Great Famine

    In the year 1181 the great famine killed a ton of people in japan. The great famine is a disease that people got that hindered there ability to process and distribute food through there body. The great famine had a deadly affect on peoples help.
  • 1274

    Mongol Invasion

    In 1274 the mongols tried to conquer Japans archipelago with a big military push. The mongols had to pull out due to a big storm that whipped out of of their ship. Japan called this massive storm kamikaze.
  • 1330

    The Ashikaga clan seized power

    The Ashikaga clan was a branch off of the Minamoto clan. Public dissatisfaction with Kamakura which gave them a chance to overthrow shogun and seize power.
  • 1467

    Civil war erupts in Japan which is split among feudal lords

    Japan was very dissatisfied with how the shoguns handled foreigns during the opening of Japan in the decade. This increased the westerns influence in the economy which led to the decline of Japan that happened similarly to China.
  • Leyasu bans Christianity from Japan

    In 1614 Leyasu banned Christianity from Japan. After the ban christianity disappeared. When everybody thought Christianity was dead everyone realized there were christens underground still practicing christianity.
  • Mount Fuji erupts

    In 1707 Mount Fuji viciously erupted. The eruption was so vicious it changed the whole shape of the side of the mountain. This eruption also left Tokyo covered in thick ashes. Mount Fuji has been dormant ever since.
  • The Japanese agree to open two ports to the United States for trade

    In 1854 Perry on behalf of the USA government forced Japan into trading with the USA. Then a treaty was made so Japan opened 2 ports for trading ships to the USA.
  • Japan grants religious freedom and adopts the Gregorian calendar

    In 1873 Japan gave all their citizens the right to pick and practice what religion they want to. The date Japan changed calendars was a big day for the start of change. This day marked the day that countries starting changing from old to new calendars.
  • The Japanese conquered Taiwan

    The invasion by Japan on Taiwan was a disagreement between Japans government and Taiwan armed forces, in 1895. This invasion lasted for 5 months. Although Japan hit a few blockades they finally ended up pushing through. This was the largest battle recorded on Taiwan's soil.
  • Japan conquered Korea

    Korea became controlled by Japan after the short lived Korean empire. Japan ruling Korea was also the outcome of the Japan-Korea treaty of 1910,
  • Japan declared war with Germany

    Japan decided to declare war with Germany even though many people in their government and military thought Germany was much stronger and that they would come out on top after the war.
  • Japanese conquer Manchuria

    In 1931 Japan decided to invade Manchuria. Japans empire decided to invade them right after the Mukden incident Japans occupation ended in 1945 when the Soviet Union launched the Manchurian Strategic Offensive Operation.
  • Japanese attacked the United States at Pearl Harbor

    In 1941 Japan launched a surprise aerial attack on US navy base on Pearl Harbor. This attack was what made USA join the world war and this attack made USA and Japans relationship become worse.