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Japan's Ultrnationalism during the interwar period

  • The Washington Conference is Held

    The Washington Conference is Held
    The United States called the Washington Conference, where Britain, France, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, China, Japan, and Portugal attended. The Conference rersulted in a naval armaments treaty that set a ratio for tonnage of capital ships for Great Britain, the US, Japan, France, and Italy.
  • The Four Power Treaty is signed

    The Four Power Treaty is signed
    Japan, the United States, Britain, and France agreed to recognize the status quo in the Pacific, and Japan and Britain agreed to terminate formally their Treaty of Alliance.
  • The Nine Power Treaty is signed

    The Nine Power Treaty is signed
    Signed by Belgium, China, the Netherlands, and Portugal, along with the original five powers, was the prevention of war in the Pacific. The signatories agreed to respect China's independence and integrity, not to interfere in Chinese attempts to establish a stable government. Japan also agreed to withdraw its troops from Shandon, and to evacuate its troops from Siberia.
  • Kaku Mori comes to power

    Kaku Mori comes to power
    A new government came to power. Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs Kaku Mori, who had strong ties with ultranationalist secret societies, urged interventionist policies in Manchuria and other parts of China. Weak governments, hampered by the devastation caused by the Great Depression and the resulting breakdown of international trade, could do little to prevent the secret societies from gaining power.
  • South Manchurian Railway is Bombed

    South Manchurian Railway is Bombed
    The Japan built South Manchurian Railway was bombed, the Japanese used this incident to send a full-scale invasion on Manchuria.
  • Japan invades Manchuria

    Japan invades Manchuria
    The Japanese invaded Manchuria by the Kwantung Army of the Empire of Japan. The Japanese occupation of Manchuria lasted until the end of World War II.
  • Japan invades China

    Japan invades China
    Japan invaded China due to a military conflict. China fought Japan with some economic help from Germany, the Soviet Union and the United States. By the end of 1937, Japan captured the Chinese capital of Nanking.
  • Period: to

    Second Sino-Japanese War

    (for more information see 'Japan invades China)
    As a result of this war 2,227,200 people died. China was victorious and thus gained all of the places Japan had taken over, except Manchuria.
  • Japan issues the Amau Doctrine

    Japan issued the Amau Doctrine, which stated that Japan assumed responsibility for peace in Asia.