
Japan's Rise to Ultranationalism

  • Meiji Period: (1868-1938)

    Meiji Period: (1868-1938)
    During this time Japan abandoned its traditional roots and modernized and westernized to compete with the world following the Meiji Constitution.
  • Russo-Japanese World: (1904-1905)

    Russo-Japanese World: (1904-1905)
    The Japanese were isolated from the rest of the world for over 100 of years. They did not particiapte in interantional affairs and they believed that the rest of the world would contaminate their religion and henceforth be lost forever. To perserve this, they kept their society closed to the outside influences to be "pure". However, the Russo-Japanese War established that Japan's perception of itself may have changed. The Japanese gained confidence in their power, as they could control too.
  • The Movement: 1930

    The Movement: 1930
    The Japanese were angered that they were left out of the Treaty Of Versailles at the end of WW1. The movement began after World War 1 around the 1930s. It was started by Hirohito who was the 124th emperor of Japan. Hirohito ruled over the rise of militarism in Japan.
  • The Effects of The Great Depression

    The Effects of The Great Depression
    When the great depression began, the economic depression was a catastrophe that the imports and exports of Japan was very bad. A massive crop failure caused a major famine throughout the country. Japanese were also shut out from Canada, USA, and Australia.
  • Invasion Of Manchuria

    Invasion Of Manchuria
    During the time of the Great Depression, the entire world was under economic pressure. Japan was no exception. Japan suffered from overcrowding as there was a growing population.
    It had few natural resources and the lack of a self-sustaining economy. It depended on trade to get its raw materials but the
    Great Depression hit hard so it was hopeless. As a solution, it looked upon the neighboring land of Manchuria as a possible
    answer to it's problems.
  • Invasion of China

    Invasion of China
    After the staged bombing of Manchuria, Japan claims it was not an aggressor and that it was an act of sabotage made by China.
    Not long after, Japan made plans to invade China as China was huge but weak in military force. Japan claimed it was an act of self defense from the China.
  • Attack of Pearl Harbour

    Attack of Pearl Harbour
    Japan believed as a small country it needed to expand in order to develop and become more economially independent. As a result of the Great Depression Japan saw an opportunity to seize more land and establish an "empire" before the Americans and British could react. One key strategy of this plan was to destroy the American Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbour. This prevented American from counteroffensive until it was too late.
  • The Great East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere

    The Great East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere
    The Great East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere was announced and was used to help the imperialist expansion throughout Asia. The stated purpose was for Asian countries to be allies, free of European colonial rule and influence.
    Japan would be the leader of this "alliance." In reality,the ultranationalist intent of Japan was to create an Asian empire free of any Western presence,control, or influence, where the countries that comprised this empire would be under Japanese rule and control.