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Japan's Military Expansion in Asia (1890-1941)

  • Industralization

    During the period of westernization, industrialization and modernization, the Meji government set forward a document called the Imperial Rescript on education based on confucion philosophy. This was the start of nationalism and cultural commonality.
  • Period: to

    Japan's Rise to Militarism

  • First Sino-Japanese War

    First Sino-Japanese War
    Japan defeats China in the first Sino-Japanese war, Japan annexes Taiwan and sway Chinese influence in Korea. Japan's modern and western style military shifts military power of China.
  • Russo-Japanese War

    Russo-Japanese War
    Japan goes to war with Russia after attacking Manchuria and both countries want dominance over the region of the Korean penisula and Manchuria. President Roosevelt creates the Treaty of Portsmouth giving Japan control of Korea.
  • First World War

    First World War
    Japan enters the first world war siding Britain
  • Tension between US and Japan

    Tension between US and Japan
    After the Versailles conference Japan gained recognization as one of the top 5 military powers, however the US passed the immigration act, which prohibits all asian immigration into the US.
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    Great Depression ushers a period of nationalism in Japan. All assets such as the US trade gets cancelled leaving Japan in a crisis as their they don't have the resources to feed their growing population.
  • Japan's move on Manchuria

    Japan's move on Manchuria
    Japan violates the Treaty of Versailles, and invades Manchuria for resources.
  • Assasination

    Ultra-nationalist military troops assasinate the Japanese Prime minister Inukai Tsuyoshi, and military exerts its power in international and domestic politics.
  • League of Nations

    League of Nations
    League of Nation condemns Japan for invading Manchuria and asking for immediate withdrawal. However Japan take this request as hypocriticism and withdraw from the League of Nations.
  • Anti Communist

    Anti Communist
    Japan signs anti-communist pact with Nazi Germany
  • Second Sino-War

    Second Sino-War
    Second Sino-War begins at the Marco-Polo Bridge in China. Japan captures Nanjing, Shanghai, and Beijing. During this period what was known as some of the worst war crimes were commited such as the Rape of Nanking.

    France falls to Nazi Germany, and Japan advance to occupy Vietnam. Japan joins the Axis powers (Germany and Italy)
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Japan launches a suprise attack on America, known as Pearl Harbor. Due to the oil embargo the US placed on Japan, Japan attacked the US. This marked the official start of the pacific war between Japan and the US.