Japan Takes Over The French Indochina (Vietnam)
Japan occupied Vietnam as this was part of their agreement with the French Vichy government. This was alaso when they joined forces with Germany and Italy and became enimeies with the United States and Great Britain - this was when the war against Great Britain and the United States began. -
Japan Plans The Pearl Harbour Attack
This year, Japan decided to attack Pearl Harbour and many other areas of the Pacific. 2,403 of people were dead and 188 planes were destroyed -
Japan Invaded The Phillipines
Japan Invade Hong Kong
Japan Captures The Oil Rich Dutch East Indies ( Indonesia )
Japan was on shortage of oil so they decided to steal the oil rich Dutch East Indies which is also known as Indonesia -
Japan Invades Sigapore
Japan Bombs Darwin, Australia
They also ivaded Bali as well as just Darwin -
Japan's First Attack Against The United States
Japan Attacks Eastern China
They attacked Eastern China and this was their last attack on China. -
Japan Withdraw From China
They wanted to protect their country so they withdraw from China. -
Atomic Bombs Dropped In Japan
The United States flew their aeroplanses around the Japan's cities - Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Many Japanese people died. -
Japan Withdraw From The League Of Nations
The League Of Nations was an oraganisation to make sure that war never broke out again. The reason why Japan withdraw from the League Of Nations was because they were recieved a lot of hate for their actions involving China. -
Japan Invaded China
They wanted to take over the whole of SouthEast Asia so they invaded China. At this time, they nearly invaded the whole of China but the government never surrendered until 1945.