Period: to
Hirohito emperor (1901-1989)
He took over at a time of rising democratic sentiment, but his country soon turned toward ultra-nationalism and militarism. Dur World War II, Japan attacked nearly all of its Asian neighbors, allied itself with Nazi Germany and launched a surprise assault on the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor. Though Hirohito later portrayed himself as a virtually powerless constitutional monarch, many scholars have come to believe he played an active role in the war effort. After Japan’s surrender in 1945. -
Outbreak of World War II in Europe.
Outbreak of World War II in Europe. With the fall of France to Nazi Germany in 1940, Japan moves to occupy French Indo-China -
Axis Alliance
Axis alliance among Rome, Berlin and Tokyo is formed to secure their own specific expansionist interests. Were the nations that fought in World War II against the Allies. -
Attack on Pearl Harbor
A surprise military strike by the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service upon the United States against the naval base at Pearl Harbor in Honolulu, Hawaii on Sunday morning.
Japan attack on the U.S. Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The US and its main allies declare war on Japan the following day. -
Period: to
Japan occupy the Philippines, Dutch East Indies, Burma and Malaya
Japan occupy the Philippines, Dutch East Indies, Burma and Malaya. In June, U.S. aircraft carriers defeat the Japanese at the Battle of Midway. The U.S. begins a strategy of "'island-hopping", cutting the Japanese support lines as its forces advance. -
Air raids on Japan
U.S. forces are near enough to Japan to start large scale bombing raids on Japanese cities. -
Atomic bombings of Hiroshima
The United States detonated a nuclear weapon over the Japanese citty of Hiroshima, with the consent of the United Kingdom, as required by the Quebec Agreement. -
The Soviet Union declares war on Japan and invades Manchuria.
On this day in 1945, the Soviet Union officially declares war on Japan, pouring more than 1 million Soviet soldiers into Japanese-occupied Manchuria, northeastern China, to take on the 700,000-strong Japanese army. -
Nagasaki Atomic Bomb
Responsibility for the timing of the second bombing was delegated to Tibbets
Although the bomb was more powerful than the one used on Hiroshima, its effects were confined by hillsides to the narrow Urakami Valley. -
Victory over Japan Day
The day on which Imperial Japan surrendered in World War II, in effect bringing the war to an end. The term has been applied to both of the days on which the initial announcement of Japan's surrender was made. Japan is placed under U.S. military government . All Japanese military and naval forces are disbanded. -
New constitution Parlamentary
A new constitution with parliamentary system and all adults eligible to vote. Japan renounces war, pledges not to maintain land, sea or air forces for that purpose. The emperor is granted ceremonial status. -
The San Francisco Peace Treaty.
Japan signs peace treaty with the U.S. and other nations in San Japan ending SCAP occupation of Japan.