Japan Events

  • Period: to

    Japan Establishes Extreme Nationalism

    Japan begins to put an emphasis on preserving their traditional values, and rejecting Western values.
  • Japan Invades China

    Japan goes to war with China, capturing Shanghai, Beijing and Nanjing. 300,000 Chinese civilians are killed.
  • Japan Joins Axis

    Japan signs an alliance with Nazi Germany
  • Japan Bombs Pearl Harbor

    Japan launches a surprise attack on the territory of Hawaii, killing 2,403 US citizens. US joins war against the Axis.
  • Japan Occupies Multiple Island Countries

    Japan has come under control of the Philippines, Dutch East Indies, Burma and Malaya.
  • America Begins to make Strides in Pacific

    Japanese lose at the battle of Midway. The US begins its "island-hopping" strategy.
  • United States Closes in on Japan

    US forces have gained enough land to begin bombing raids on Japanese cities.
  • First Atomic Bomb Dropped

    Japan receives warning from President Harry S. Truman. Military leaders wave off the warning and the first atomic bomb is dropped.
  • Second Atomic Bomb is Dropped

  • Japan Announces Unconditional Surrender

    Emperor Hirohito announces to his country that they have "resolved to pave the way for a grand peace for all the generations to come by enduring the unendurable and suffering what is insufferable." The US was quick to accept Japan's surrender.