

  • 552

    Kegon sect of buddhims comes over china

    Kegon sect of buddhims comes over china
    The arrival of buddhism in japan is ultimately a conse quence of first contacts between china and central Asia, where Buddhism had spread from continend.
  • 552

    hogen shonin starts the purelands secct of buddhism

    hogen shonin starts the purelands secct of buddhism
    The pure land sutras center on the figure of amitabha (amida in Japanese) one of the five wisdom buddhams,and his pure land paradise called sukhavati.
  • Feb 14, 710

    Capital City moved to Nara

    Capital City moved to Nara
    In many ways the Japanese upper classes patterned them selves after the Chinese written system fashion and the religion of Buddhism.
  • Jan 24, 712

    Kojiki completed

    Kojiki completed
    It also is a collection of a large amount of Japanese mythology the kojiki begins during the period known as kamiyo.
  • Jun 4, 756

    Shomu becames Emperor

    Shomu becames Emperor
    Shomu was the 45th Emperor of japan according to the traditional order of succession.
  • Jul 29, 757

    Yoro codes became law

    Yoro codes became law
    Yoro rikuryo was one iteration of several codes of governing rule compiled in early Nara period in classical japan.
  • Feb 15, 794

    Capital City to heinkyo (kyoto)

    Capital City to heinkyo (kyoto)
    Heina kyo was one of several former name of thecity now known askyoko. years from 794 to 1868 with an interruption in 1180.
  • Jul 7, 819

    Kukai established amonasteryon MT koya

    Kukai established amonasteryon MT koya
    Kayasan is home to an active monastic center founder twelve centuries ago by the priest kukai (posthumously khown as kobo daishi for the study and practice of Esoteric budddhism.
  • Aug 16, 1156

    Hogen Incident (also called hogen robbellion or hogen disturbance)

    Hogen Incident (also called hogen robbellion or hogen disturbance)
    Hogen noran produced aseries of unanticipated conse quenched it created from which the dominance of the samurai clains would come to be established.
  • Apr 25, 1185

    Taira defeated at dannoura (dan no ura)

    Taira defeated at dannoura (dan no ura)
    The taira were out numbered but some sources say that they had the advantage over that particular area as well anaval combat tactics in general