

  • 660 BCE

    Birth of japan

    Birth of japan
    Japan was founded by archaeologist in 660 B.C. The first city in Japan

    is Kyoto. the great depression is how this country came to be they were in there own depression. the first leader of japan is Jimmu https://www.britannica.com/topic/Jimmu
  • The Birth Of U.S.

    The Birth Of U.S.
    the U.S. was founded on July 4, 1776. The first city in the U.S. was St. Augustine. There were 7 people who founded U.S. there are George Washington, John Adams, John jay, James Madison, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Madison, Thomas Jefferson
  • U.S. and Japan relationship

    U.S. and Japan relationship
    the u.s. and Japan went to war on December 8, 1941. japan was our ally. Japan set up a sneak attack on the pearl harbor. That crisis forced the U.S and Japan to go to war. The U.S. got attacked in Hawaii. http://www.wnd.com/2017/05/why-the-gop-infatuation-with-merrick-garland/
  • U.S. peace treaty

    U.S. peace treaty
    the treaty of Taipei. their desire to live in peace with all people governments
    Recognizing that they have the inherent right of individual or collective self-defense. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Mutual_Cooperation_and_Security_between_the_United_States_and_Japan
  • U.S. and Japan Trade

    U.S. and Japan Trade
    Japan is currently our 4th largest goods trading U.S. goods imports from Japan totaled $132.2 billion in 2016 partner with U.S.The EU-Japan Free Trade Agreement negotiations were officially launched on 25 March 2013, after the release of an impact assessment of the future Free Trade Agreement in July 2012.
  • vocabulary

    import: brings goods into a country from abroad for sale.
    great depression:the 1930s, when the U.S. and many other countries were in a very bad depression.
    peninsula: A peninsula is a piece of land surrounded by water on the majority of its border, while being connected to a mainland from which it extends.
    treaty: A formally concluded and ratified agreement between countries.
  • The U.S. and japan are our Allies

    The U.S. and japan are our Allies
    The U.S. and Japan are allies. They both want to stop terrorism in these country's. They also want to stop Isis and take him down. Japan and NATO have been partners for the longest of years. They are '' Partners Of The Globe''