
  • Period: to

    Edo Japan's isolation

    • Due the shogun fear of Christianity becoming mainstream, Japan entered an isolation where anyone who left of entered japan would be punished by death
    • Only the Dutch were allowed to trade with Japan
    • Japan managed to stay almost entirely self sufficient during this period
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    The meiji period

    • Outside pressure from the States and Brittan reopen Japan
    • A revolution returned power to the emperor, starting the Meiji period
    • The Meiji government started to modernize and westernize their government and Military
    • Japan lifted trade restrictions and promoted foreign investment in the country
    • In this period japan started competing with western powers by becoming a key player in imports and exports
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    • Japan joined ww1 on the allies side because it wanted a sphere of influence in Asia
    • Japan took control multiple islands and Vietnam from the central powers
    • Not only did japan gain the sphere of influence it wanted in Asia but also got a seat in the parliament that would decide the outcomes of the defeated central powers
  • Period: to


    its surrender the U.S took control of Japan- Japan joined the Axis in WW2
    - Much of its GDP was going to the war effort left its economy in shambles
    - At the start of the war Japan was doing great, but after japans bombing of Pearl Harbor, the U.S would undo its successes
    - The U.S took control of Japan after its surrender
  • Period: to

    U.S occupation of japan

    • Japan's economy was crumbling when the U.S took control of it
    • For its recovery the U.S turned japans economy to a free market system and fixed its constitution, turning japan into a democracy
    • U.S set up the frame work for the economic miracle that was about to completely change Japan
  • Period: to

    Japan's Post WW2 Economic miracle

    • Japan's economy was growing at an annual rate of 10%
    • Japan became the biggest exporter of cars and consumer electronics
    • Plus, Japans focus on education left it with a skilled and talented work force which could make such growth possible
    • Many annalists believed that japan was on track to become the worlds largest economy
  • Period: to

    The Lost Decade

    -"The lost decade" was when Japan's growth finally halted due to experiencing economic problems Japan had never experienced
    - Firstly due to low interest rates, property prices in Japan dropped with a rise of Bad loans
    -Due to the drop of property prices many banks became close to falling leading to less loans being given out, which only worsened the economic bust
    - A weak government handled this crisis poorly letting this economic bust last a decade
  • Period: to

    21st century

    • Currently, Japan is the 3rd largest economy in the world, and a major player in Imports and exports
    • more that 3.4% of its entire GDP is invested in new technologies to stay competitive against the world -But after tensions in China (Japans biggest trading partner) Japan has had to cut back on its imports and start pivoting to its own sufficiency -In 300 years Japan went from a closed off island that was self sufficient to relying on International trade as much as it influences it.