Japan 1931- 1990 Humanities CD

  • Japanese forces took control of Manchuria

    Japanese forces took control of Manchuria
    Japan had took control of Manchuria by a fight between China and Japan and Japan had won Manchuria because China had been weakened by civil war.
  • Japanese bombers attacked U.S military bast at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii

     Japanese bombers attacked  U.S military bast at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii
    Japanese had attacked military base at Pearl Harbor and that had made American in surprise and ahd led to the Pacific War between japan and U.S
  • Japan as being bombed by American planes

    Japan as being bombed by American planes
    Japan had been bombed by American planes but Japanese refused to surrender
  • American dropped atomic bomb

    American dropped atomic bomb
    Amercia had dropped atomic bomb at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It had killed Hundreds of thousands of Japanese. They had bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki because Japan had bombed military base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii
  • Japanese signed a peace treaty

    Japanese signed a peace treaty
    Japan had signed a peace treaty with most of the nations they had fought against in the war.