
  • More people

    More people
    The population went from 30 mil to 45 mil.
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    World war 1

    Japan participated in World War I from 1914 to 1918 as a member of the Allies and played an important role against the Imperial German Navy. The Japanese Empire seized the opportunity to expand its sphere of influence in China and to gain recognition as a great power in postwar geopolitics.
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    Biggest war # Japan surrendered

    World War 2 was the biggest war to this day. Japan entered World War II on September 22, 1940, with the invasion of French Indochina and officially allied with Germany and Italy five days later. The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor the following year was the catalyst for the United States' entrance into the war.
  • Atomic Bombs

    Atomic Bombs
    Atomic Bombs were dropped at Hiroshima and Nagasaki killing 129,000–226,000 people.
  • First bullet train "Shinkansen"

    First bullet train "Shinkansen"
    World's first high-speed train. It revolutionized the world. Hideo Shima was the creator. The train went from Tokyo to Osaka. The train was 210 km/h one of the fastest in the world.
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    World cup

    The world cup was hosted in Japan and South Korea. The winners were Brazil.

    Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami sparked a disaster in northeastern Japan and a nuclear accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. Three of the six reactors at the plant sustained severe damage and released hydrogen and radioactive materials.
  • Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami

    	Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami
    The tsunami reached heights of 40.5 meters and killed 18,000.
  • Fastest in the world

    Fastest in the world
    L0 Series SCMaglev is the fastest train in the world reaching a top speed of 603 kph! It only takes 67 mins from Toyko to Osaka. For a normal car it takes 6 hr 21 min that is 5.68656716418 slower.