Jane's favouite outdoor play activity
Jane said her favourite thing was playing outside with her friends. -
Period: to
Jane Smith ELKP year 1
Jane's exploration of colour
Jane really took her time during this art colour exploration activity. She was fascinated how many colours she was creating. -
Jane's spelling of colours
This demonstrates Jane's abliity to spell the corresponding colours -
Jane's art work of being thankful
Happy thanksgiving! Students shared what they were thankful for. -
Measuring class pumpkin
As a class we went to the pumpkin patch. Then in class we decided to measure our pumpkins and chart our work. -
Jane's snap cube drawing
Jane is able to build a shape using the cubes. She was then able to draw what she built -
Jane's math patterning example
Jane desmonstrates understanding of a AB pattern -
Jane builds a bridge
Jane was very interested to see how long she could build her bridge. -
Jane drawing her tower and buildings
Jane was asked to build a tower. She also built other buildings around her tower. She was then able to draw her tower and buidlings as a representation of her work. -
Jane is a singing angel in Christmas concert
At the beginning of the school year Jane was shy to speak in front of the class. She has certainly progressed and was able to sing at our Christmas concert...bravo!! -
Jane - how does ice melts
Jane was able to predict how ice melts -
Jane's bird feeder plan
Jane was able to draw a good plan for her bird feeder. -
Jane making bird feeder
Jane did not like getting her hands dirty during this activity. However, she was happy that she made something to help feed the birds. -
Jane's map of her heart
We read the story "My Map Book"
Each student made a plan of their own "map of their heart"
The students then drew their ideas and used colour to express their ideas. Each student presented their heart maps to each other. -
Jane drawing a snow flake
There has been a lot of interest by the students in snow. We read a book showing microscopic images of snow flakes. Jane was able to draw her own interpretation of a snow flake.