Jane Goodall via KaylaR.8

  • Period: to

    Jane Goodall

  • Where it all started

    Where it all started
    On Jane Goodall's second birthday her parents gave her a stuffed monkey. She named it Jubilee, after the monkey in the London Zoo. This is when Jane was inspired to study chimpanzees.
  • Jane's curiosity

    Jane's curiosity
    There is no exact date, but when Jane was four years old she hid in a henhouse for five hours trying to figure out how hens layed eggs. Her parents did not know where she was and called the police.
  • First thought of Africa

    First thought of Africa
    There is not an exact date, but when Jane was only 11 years old she wanted to go to Africa. She wanted to go to see and study chimpanzees. She wished that someday she would be able to go.
  • High school graduate

    High school graduate
    No exact date is known, but Jane Goodall graduates high school in Cambridge University. She then learns how to be a secretary and later works at Oxford University as one.
  • First Africa trip

    First Africa trip
    There is no exact date but, when Jane was 23 years old, a friend of hers invited her to go to Africa. They both went to Kenya, Africa. This was the very first time she has gone.
  • Jane meets her new boss

    Jane meets her new boss
    The first time Jane went to Africa she met avery important scientist. She had met Dr. Louis Leaky in Kenya, Africa. She was 23 years old when they met.
  • Jane's first work trip

    Jane's first work trip
    There is no known exact date but, when she was 23 years old, Jane set off for her first work trip to an island in Lake Victoria. She was sent there by Dr. Leaky. Her mission was to study the vervet monkey.
  • Chimpanzees ge vaccinated

    Chimpanzees ge vaccinated
    There is not an exact date but, Jane had to give vaccines to the chimpanzees that she worked with. She had to do this because most chimps can get disease that humans carry. She vaccinated them and they neer got disease.
  • Moving to Africa

    Moving to Africa
    In July of 1960, Jane Goodall moved to Africa. She went there se she could continue her studies with chimpanzees.
  • Bye Bye Africa

    Bye Bye Africa
    Just months after Jane arrives in Africa, she soon had to leave. She left because her studies were affecting the chimps. None of the chimpanzees would reproduce when she was there. A solution to this problem was that she had to go.
  • Jane gets remarried

    Jane gets remarried
    In 1975 Jane met Derek Bryceson in Africa. He was also doing studies in Africa when they met. Soon after they met they got married.
  • Jane earns her PhD

    Jane earns her PhD
    In 1965, Jane Goodall earned her PhD in Cambridge University. She earned even though she never earned her bacclaurate degree. She is one of the few females in the United states to do so.
  • Jane's first child

    Jane's first child
    Jane had her first child in Africa. His name was Hugo van Lawick. He is named after his father, who Jane divorced soon after Hugo was born.
  • "In the Shadow of Man"

    "In the Shadow of Man"
    When Jane wrote her first book "In the Shadow of Man" she was trying to describe her trip to Africa. She wrote the book while she was in Africa.
  • Disney Star

    Disney Star
    In the month of April 2012, Jane Goodall starred in a Disney Channel movie. The movie was called "Chimpanzee". During the week that the movie primered, all money spent to watch the movie was used to hepl raise awaewness foe cimpanzees.