Jane Eyre Events

By tomkay
  • Mr.Reed takes in Jane

    Mr.Reed takes in Jane
    This is a significant event because Janes parents died and she would have been alone without Mr.Reed taking her in. This contributes to the plot by giving Jane a family and a future.
  • Mr.Reed dies

    Mr.Reed dies
    This is a significant event because Mr.Reed was the only one left that really cared about Jane. this contributes to the plot because without him around she was bullied by Mrs.Reed and her siblings.
  • Jane gets bullied by John

    Jane gets bullied by John
    This event is significant because Jane is getting abused and it starts to make Jane feel like she doesnt belong,This contributes to the plot because when she is bullied by John, she retaliates, and is put in the red room for punishment.
  • Red Room

    Red Room
    This is significant because it shows how cruel the Reed family is. it contributes to the plot because she was stuck in the room building up courage to stick up to Mrs.reed.
  • Bessie leaves

    Bessie leaves
    This is significant because Bessie was the only one who showed Jane love. This contributes to the plot by helping Jane feel like she has value.
  • Jane Gets Sent to Lowood

    Jane Gets Sent to Lowood
    This is significant because Jane started to feel abandoned after she discovered that Mrs. Reed had paid for her to be sent to the school. This contributes to the plot Jane starts to seek affection at this point. She meets a new friend, Helen.
  • Jane Becomes a Teacher at Lowood

    Jane Becomes a Teacher at Lowood
    This is significant because Jane studied hard to get this position, and to feel important. This contributes to the plot because it gives her confidence in herself that she has value and control.
  • Jane Gets a Job at Thornfield

    Jane Gets a Job at Thornfield
    This is significant because she meets Adele Varnes. Adele is an important character, and this event contributes to the plot because it starts to bring Rochester into Janes life.
  • Jane Falls in Love with Mr. Rochester

    Jane Falls in Love with Mr. Rochester
    This is significant because Jane had never experienced emotional connection like that ever since the death of her parents. It contributes to the plot because it starts the main conflict of the story.
  • Jane Hears Mysterious Noises

    Jane Hears Mysterious Noises
    This is significant because although Jane does not know at this time, the noises she hears are coming from Rochester's wife, Bertha. This contributes to the plot because it raised suspicions within Jane about Rochester.
  • Jane Discovers Blanche

    Jane Discovers Blanche
    This is significant because Rochester is trying to make Jane jealous by faking his feelings for Blanche. This contributes to the plot because this is the beginning of Rochester's lies.
  • Mrs. Reed is Dying

    Mrs. Reed is Dying
    This is significant because even though Mrs. Reed was not nice to Jane, she still went back when she was dying. This contributes to the plot because its the first time Jane has been to Gateshead in many years.
  • Janes Engagement to Mr. Rochester

    Janes Engagement to Mr. Rochester
    This is significant because Jane because they have true love. It contributes to the plot because there is a secret Mr. Rochester is hiding that Jane doesn't know about yet.
  • Jane Finds that Rochester is Already Married

    Jane Finds that Rochester is Already Married
    This is significant because Jane feels betrayed once again, and she feels like she is not loved; similar to her childhood. This contributes to the plot because the emotional distress due to this event causes Jane to run away.
  • Jane Runs Away from Thornfield

    Jane Runs Away from Thornfield
    This is significant because Jane hits rock bottom and is taken in by the Rivers. Jane then helps St. John, and he helps her get a job as a teacher. This contributes to the plot because when Jane leaves, she works hard once again and good things start to come to her. For example, Jane goes on a missions trip with John, and meets Rochester again. She marries Rochester and has a son.