L jeny quotes



    Jane Austen is born to George and Cassandra Austen.
    She is the seventh child and second daughter behind brothers James, George, Charles, Francis, Henry, Edward and sister Cassandra.
  • Boarding school

    Jane and Cassandra (her big sister) were students from a boarding school in Reading. (7 years)
  • Home School

    Home School
    The family's money runs out and Austen returns to Steventon from boarding school. The rest of her education is completed at home from her father's voluminous library. Austen lives with her parents and sister for the rest of her life.
  • Lady Susan

    Lady Susan
    Austen begins Lady Susan, a novella told in the form of a series of letters. She works on it for two years.
  • Austen's First "Love"

    Austen's First "Love"
    Austen meets Tom LeFroy, an Irish law student who is the nephew of her neighbor. Austen and LeFroy spend time together during his month-long visit to Steventon. He leaves in January 1796 and soon becomes engaged to someone else, ending whatever relationship they had. Austen writes affectionately of LeFroy to her sister, prompting later speculation that he is the real-life inspiration for her male characters.
  • First Novel Attempt

    First Novel Attempt
    Austen completes the first draft of First Impressions, the novel that later becomes Pride and Prejudice.
  • Austen Family Moves to Bath

    Austen Family Moves to Bath
    Austen moves with her parents to the resort town of Bath, England, after her father's retirement from clergy.
  • An Indecent Proposal

    Just before her 27th birthday, Jane Austen receives her only marriage proposal. A recent Oxford grad named Harris Bigg-Wither proposes to Austen while she is visiting his sisters. Realizing that the marriage would be good for her family's circumstances, Austen accepts. The next morning, however, she changes her mind and withdraws her acceptance. Bigg-Wither marries two years later; Austen never does.
  • Austen Falls on Hard Times

    Austen Falls on Hard Times
    Jane's father William George Austen dies, leaving his wife and sisters financially dependent on his sons. The Austen women first rent a house in Bath, then move in with Jane's brother Frank and his wife.
  • Pride and Prejudice

    Pride and Prejudice
    Pride and Prejudice is published.
  • Mansfield Park .

    Mansfield Park  .
    Mansfield Park is published.
  • An Awkward Request

    The librarian of the Prince Regent (later King George IV), a big fan of Austen's work, invites her to the prince's London home and suggests that she dedicate her soon-to-be-published book to him. Austen is not a fan of the prince, but is unable to say no. Emma is published the next month with a dedication to the prince. It is the last novel published in her lifetime.
  • Austen Falls Ill

    Austen begins to feel the first signs of a long, progressive illness that saps her energy. She continues to work on two novels, Persuasion and Northanger Abbey, but is delayed by her illness and by financial troubles caused by the failure of her brother Henry's bank.
  • Death Draws Near

    A bed-ridden Jane and Cassandra Austen move to Winchester in order to be closer to Austen's doctor.
  • Jane Austen Dies

    Jane Austen Dies
    Jane Austen dies at the age of 41. She is buried in Winchester Cathedral.