Jane Austen was born in Steventon, Hamphsire. -
Mrs. Crawley's boarding school
Jane (age 7) and her older sister Casandra leave for Mrs.Craqley's boarding school in Oxford to attend formal education. -
Starts writing
At age 11, Jane starts writing her first short stories and poems. -
Brief romance with Tom Lefroy
Moving from Stevenson to Bath
Jane and her family move to Bath -
Marriage offer from Harris Bigg-Wither
Jane accepts his offer of marriage but the next day she changes her mind and declines the proposal -
Jane's father dies
Jane, her sister and her mother are left poor and start depending on their brothers for support -
Moving to Southampton
Jane, her sister Cassandra and their mother move to Southampton to live with their brother and his wife. -
Publishing of Sense and Sensibility
The book is published but it does not have her name on it, it only says 'by a Lady' -
Pride and Prejudice is published
Again, no name just 'by the author of Sense and Sensibility' -
Her novel Emma is published
Jane becomes ill but continues to write. -
Jane's illness confines her to bed
She moves to Winchester with her sister Cassandra to get medical treatment for her illness -
Jane dies at 41 years old and she is buried in Winchester Cathedral.