Jane Austen Born
Jane Austen was born -
When Jane was young, she and her siblings were encouraged to read from their father's extensive library. The children also authored and put on plays and charades. -
Boarding shcool
Jane Austen attends to boarding shcool -
Startsn to craft her own novels
Jane starts to write her own material. -
Jane gets educated
Jane spent much of her early adulthood helping run the family home, playing piano, attending church, and socializing with neighbors -
Moves to Bath
Father dies
Without the father, their economy was bad -
Moves in with her brother
Lives in a cottage in Chawton -
Publishes books
Now in her 30s, Jane started to anonymously publish her works. -
At age 41 Jane started to become ill with Addison's disease -
Jane Austen dead
Jane Austen died