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Janatika's Timeline

  • Janatika Timeline

    Janatika Timeline
    9am in Arkansas Baptist Hospital Janatika Lanae Williams was born. I was 8lbs 2oz 20 1/4 inches long. My mom was in 10 hours of labor with me!
  • Started Crawling

    Janatika started crawling at 8 months
  • Started Walking

    Janatika started walking at 12 months. I walked from one couch to the other. My mother was so happy and so was my uncles because they were there.
  • Potty Trained

    I was potty trained at 1 years old
  • First Brother

    First Brother
    My mom gave birth to my little brother was born. I was really excited I was glad I wasnt the only child anymore! Mom gave him all the attention though & we are 5 years apart! He is now 11 in the 7th grade.
  • My 1st Little Sister

    My 1st Little Sister
    I was so excited when my mom got pregnant with my little sister. I wanted a sister so bad & I got one! She was born the day of my 3rd grade play! I went straight to the hospital right after! I was so happy to hold her. I loved her alot. She is now 7 years old!
  • High School

    I am now 16 years old & a junior in Arkadelphia High School. Im so happy im a junior because im ready to get away from this school & people!