Jamming Through the Decades

  • Period: to

    Jamming Through the Decades

    This timeline shows how music changed over the ages!
  • Elvis Presley becomes extremely popular!

    Elvis Presley becomes extremely popular!
    Elvis releases his hit album, "Jailhouse Rock."
  • Frank Sinatra's Debut

    Frank Sinatra's Debut
    Frank Sinatra releases his popular hit single, "Come Fly With Me."
  • The Beatles Form

    The Beatles Form
    The Beatles consisted of John Lennon, Paul McCartiney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr.
  • Psychedelic Era Begins

    Psychedelic Era Begins
    The Psychedelic Era was the time when music started to become influenced from drugs and war.
  • Led Zeppelin Starts Career

    Led Zeppelin Starts Career
  • Elvis Preley Releases New Hit Album!

    Elvis Preley Releases New Hit Album!
    Elvis' album included "Can't Help Falling In Love."
  • Psychedelic Era Ends

    Psychedelic Era Ends
  • Beatles Start the Decade With the Album "Let It Be"

    Beatles Start the Decade With the Album "Let It Be"
  • John Lennon and the Beatles Release One of Their Best Albums

    John Lennon and the Beatles Release One of Their Best Albums
    Their second album was called "Imagine"
  • Jackson 5 records the Song "ABC"

    Jackson 5 records the Song "ABC"
    Jackson 5 releases the song "ABC"
  • Blondie Records the First Rap Song Ever

    Blondie Records the First Rap Song Ever
    The song was called "Rapture"
  • Cyndi Lauper Releases Her Popular Album "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun"

    Cyndi Lauper Releases Her Popular Album "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun"
    This album was published in 1982
  • Influential Pop Mucic Starts to Form

    Influential Pop Mucic Starts to Form
    80s music influenced Pop artists.
  • Beastie Boys Issue Their Song "No Sleep 'Til Brooklyn"

    Beastie Boys Issue Their Song "No Sleep 'Til Brooklyn"
  • DJ Casper Starts a Dance Craze

    DJ Casper Starts a Dance Craze
    DJ Casper starts the "Electric Slide"
  • Madonna Comes Out With Her Single "Lucky Star"

    Madonna Comes Out With Her Single "Lucky Star"
  • Rap, Hip-Hop, and Country Music Becomes Popular

    Rap, Hip-Hop, and Country Music Becomes Popular
    More genres become established as the years go by.
  • Eminem Begins His Rapping Career

    Eminem Begins His Rapping Career
  • Kanye West's Debut

    Kanye West's Debut
    His first album was called "Graduation"
  • Metallica Release the Song "Unforgiven"

    Metallica Release the Song "Unforgiven"
  • Metallica Issued Their MosT Memorable "Enter Sandaman"

    Metallica Issued Their MosT Memorable "Enter Sandaman"
  • Aerosmith Releases Their Hit Single "Walk This Way"

    Aerosmith Releases Their Hit Single "Walk This Way"
    The song featured the bands "Run" and "DM.C."
  • Lil Wayne's Debut

    Lil Wayne's Debut
    His first album in his musical career was "Tha Block is Hot"
  • Lil Wayne Releases His First Album In the 2000s

    Lil Wayne Releases His First Album In the 2000s
    His first album in the 2000s was "Lights Out"
  • Nickelback Releases the Album "Silver Side Up"

    Nickelback Releases the Album "Silver Side Up"
  • Lady Gaga Publishes the Album "Fame"

    Lady Gaga Publishes the Album "Fame"
    This album made Lady Gaga very popular. The song "Poker Face" was the most well known song in that album.
  • Rihanna publishes her album "Loud" in 2010

    Rihanna publishes her album "Loud" in 2010