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Jamie's Life

  • Born

    I was born in December of 1996. My parents are Brandi and Phil. I was born in Arizona and I have lived here ever since.
  • Joined Softball

    Joined Softball
    Joined Softball- I joined softball at the age of 5 years old, I played until I was almost 12. My parents coached my team and were always extremely involved. It was a great time in my life and I learned many things from being apart of a team.
  • Started Jr. High

    Started Jr. High
    I started Jr. High in Gilbert Arizona. This was an interesting time in my life because of all of the changes that happen during this transition. Your friends all branch off and go to different districts, you have to adapt to the cliques and drama of Jr. High. Jr. High was the start of a pretty tough time in my life.
  • First Job

    First Job
    My first job was working in a high school baseball concession stand. It didn't pay very much but it taught me responsibility and time management. I made many new friends that would last a long time working at this job.
  • First Cell Phone

    First Cell Phone
    I received my first cellphone when I was in Jr. High. This was really exciting time in my life because it was a new form of responsibility I had earned. I was able to communicate with my friends and I remember how excited that phone made me.
  • Started High school

    Started High school
    I attended my Freshman and Sophomore year of high school in Gilbert Arizona. I really disliked this time in my life as it was one of the toughest times in my life. I decided during the middle of my sophomore year that I really couldn't take going to this school anymore and my mom un-enrolled me.
  • Babysitting

    A really great time in my life was when I began watching my aunts new baby. She had to go back to work immediately so I was a live in caregiver. I became caregiver certified and cared for my cousin until she was two years old.
  • Started Online School

    Started Online School
    I started online school during the middle of my sophomore year in high school. This was the best decision I could of made for myself. It was a different way of learning for me and an adjustment to stay committed and to work hard.
  • Family Business

    Family Business
    My families business was a very exciting time in my life. We would go to the building spot almost everyday and see all of the new changes that had progressed. My family opened up an indoor trampoline park in Chandler, AZ. This was a great time in all of my families life and still is.
  • Turned 18

    Turned 18
    I turned 18 about 4 months ago and that was a great time in my life as well. I became an adult and acquired many new responsibilities. I went in a hot air balloon and did a couple more fun adventures.