Jamie's life

By liny2
  • Jamie was born

    On this day at 11:00 Jamie was born.
  • Period: to

    Jamie's life

    Jamie's life until now
  • I turned 1 years old

    I turned 1 years old
    On this day I grew 1 year older. This is the picture of me hiking but I was tired so i sat down to rest.
  • My second birthday

    My second birthday
    I celebrated my second birthday at home.
  • I learned to swim

    I learned to swim
    I learned to swim in my Grandma's inflatable pool.
  • I moved to Hong kong

    I moved to Hong kong
    My dad works in HK so we moved there too.
  • My third birthday

    My third birthday
  • My 4th birthday party

    My 4th birthday party
    I invited all my kindergarten friends to my 4th birthday party. I got lots of presents.
  • I moved to Discovery college

    I moved to Discovery college
    I went to Y1
  • I moved to Discovery college

    I moved to Discovery college
  • I got my best friends

    I got my best friends
    My best friends
  • I got my hamster

    I got my hamster
    My hamster came to my home.